Example sentences of "be [verb] [adv] for the night " in BNC.

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1 But she had insisted , and although the room was warm , and the kitchen stove had already been made up for the night , I had gone — yet it was a strange experience to me , and rather a frightening one , to have been persuaded by someone near to me into doing even so small a thing I felt to be hazardous . )
2 It 's surprising how much louder they seem to get when you 're bedding down for the night .
3 Core workers at Bhilai have regular employment , but for those on the periphery and in support industries , the work is casual , dangerous and ill-paid : factories , where women are locked in for the night ; opencast iron-ore mines where workers ' deaths by rock-falls are concealed by unscrupulous owners .
4 The dog seems anxious to get the harness on ; indeed , all through the trip the dogs are always keen to pull and seem miserable when they are tied off for the night .
5 Somewhere , cowbells sounded ; the animals had been brought in for the night , maybe .
6 For a whiff the strong white birds floated proudly there , diving , clearing the weed , and waddling over to the house when my father summoned them , for food and to be shut up for the night .
7 The boarding plank had been taken up for the night .
8 They were left on the car park , so people knew they were parked there for the night .
9 At the back of the house was a lock-up gaol and if any one caused any trouble they were locked up for the night , then transported the next morning by the local ‘ taxi ’ , which was a horse and cart , to the police station at Brough to be tried .
10 Northumbrian villages , though protected to some extent by castles and garrisons such as those at Carlisle , Naworth , Harbottle and Norham , tended to be built in a sort of miniature bailey around a large square green which could be gated when cattle were brought in for the night .
11 Finally that evening the engine pulled into Maidstone where they disembarked , and were put up for the night at the local barracks of the Royal West Kents .
12 To prevent hens laying outdoors and roosting in the trees , the report suggests that the birds be kept in their housing until mid-morning , and be presented with a main feed in-house in the evening before being shut in for the night .
13 Others , their duties finished , were settling down for the night on their pallets in front of the fires .
14 And if in carrying he is delayed out for the night it will count two works .
15 When his father was tucked up for the night , the son would wander out into the garden and enjoy the cool air as a contrast to the fug of the sick-room .
16 Afraid she might doze off if she gave in to temptation and lay down on the bed , she sat down instead on the room 's only chair , and picked up a book , absorbing not a single word as she waited for the sounds that would mean he was turning in for the night .
17 At dusk , passing through the countryside , everything was slowing down for the night .
18 He already knew most of the city 's different districts and its short cuts , its sudden changes of place and people ; it was just that now he would see the shop windows shining at night instead of by day , see them gliding past from a car or taxi window as he was driven home for the night .
19 Around me the camp was settling down for the night , bricks securing groundsheets , tent flaps tied tight , kerosene lamps hissing away their shadows .
20 When they arrived back at the Incident Room the little printer was locking up for the night .
21 On this occasion , everything was shut down for the night but in the morning when the armourers were about to start work , something went wrong .
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