Example sentences of "be [verb] [adv] [vb base] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If we apply the yardstick of affection and respect to all our dealings with the elderly and they feel this in everything we say to them , most of the small problems which are bound to arise when we are living together stand a reasonable chance of solution .
2 The markets in which they are sold often include a small number of very large customers , such as , for example in the UK : * fuel oil — Ministry of Defence , British Railways ; P & O , Sealink and other large shipping companies ( etc ) ; * paint — Central and local government authorities , British Railways , car manufacturers ( etc ) .
3 Two years since publishing Succeeding in the 90s , the Society 's strategy plan for the decade , the economy has entered a deep recession , and more difficult and challenging times than could have been envisaged now face the whole profession .
4 ‘ Yer do n't think I 'm goin' ter build a new bridge just for you lot in Claro to go and fetch yer dole money do yer ? ’ he said crossly .
5 Try eating a small amount of a low-fat , high-carbohydrate food before each meal , otherwise you may stuff yourself in a futile attempt to be satiated then eat a rich pudding anyway , since all you really wanted was the carbohydrate .
6 The old buildings that survive and can be preserved thus have a cultural significance as well as the functional potential for conversion to other uses .
7 I 'm pledged ter get the best fer me men , an' the bosses jus ' keep remindin' me about the number out o' collar .
8 The only suggestion that I can offer is that this system enables mains transformers of various ratings to be put together form a limited number of standard sub-assemblies .
9 Sentences that can be analysed often produce a huge number of possible analyses .
10 The girl is said not have a good relationship with her father and the prospect that he might return to the family home , after a period of estrangement from his wife , prompted her action under the 1989 Children Act .
11 If a Data Base Management system is proposed please answer the following :
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