Example sentences of "be [verb] [pron] out of the " in BNC.

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1 In other words a good mirror signal manoeuvre routine , however you apply it but in a particular order , which gives a discipline , so that you 're keeping yourselves out of the problems that other people may give you if you allow them to .
2 Cos she 's gone mad and they put it on her , right , and they , they 're holding her and they 're tapping out of the stage sidewards and she 's sort of like going like this , she , she , thinks all these nice men 'll love me and then like at the end of the show you see them , they 're tapping her out of the studio and putting her into a van and she 's still wearing a straight jacket and smiling at you .
3 Interviewed in the trade union newspaper Trud , Pavlov claimed that ( unnamed ) banks in Switzerland , Austria and Canada had co-operated with non-governmental Soviet organizations to buy large-denomination rouble notes in massive quantities on the black market , and had been smuggling them out of the country .
4 He does n't talk to me much now because I 'm afraid I 've been the one who 's been tipping him out of the church when he 's smoking .
5 ‘ That 's why they 're common in the fire service and the army , where people are doing something out of the ordinary and taking greater risks than others .
6 Whether the two little fighting men are pricing themselves out of the market remains to be seen but both were threatening a stand-off .
7 They pulled me up off the floor with my hands up behind my back and they were walking me out of the chemist with my arms up and my head pushed down and one of them was kicking me in the back of my legs to get me over to the car .
8 Therefore , when clients relate their first and subsequent panic attacks , or other symptoms of anxiety and stress , and explain that they were doing nothing out of the ordinary , it is entirely possible that this was the case .
9 And they were squeezing it out of the carton and it was making this right farty noise .
10 They were all studiously avoiding meeting his gaze , though he thought they were watching him out of the sides of their eyes .
11 Tessa and Mrs. Mounce , he knew , were watching her out of the corner of their eyes too , as silent and overawed as he was himself .
12 It is unhelpful if Ministers or others speaking on the right hon. Gentleman 's behalf suggest that internment will not be used or that it is not a viable and justifiable means of dealing with those whose training and speciality is keeping themselves out of the courts and out of the hands of those on whom we depend to impose justice for the deaths that have occurred in Northern Ireland .
13 ‘ I can get out my binoculars to check on how many customers we 've got — and see if anyone 's nicking anything out of the till . ’
14 He 's picked you out of the pack and thinks you can win the Open . ’
15 He 's seen nothing out of the way .
16 Our aim is to get them out of the chair , cut the chains and let enjoy the freedom of the sea .
17 All I want is to get it out of the flat , I said .
18 ‘ All we want to do is get it out of the lorry .
19 But if he had no bill and or did n't pick it up , you 'd tell the proprietor that he must take his own proceedings — he 's swindled you out of the price of a meal and it 's a civil action .
20 The difficulty was sneaking it out of the mill .
21 All she really wanted was to see him out of the house .
22 His first instinct was to fling them out of the window ; to put as much distance as he could between them and him .
23 It was n't just a matter of meeting an old comedian ; I was meeting someone out of the dustier corners of my private pantheon .
24 He was pulling something out of the hedge .
25 I mean , he was getting something out of the cupboard , ha nothing to do with me !
26 I was stealing something out of the film : I had captured the stars in the act , and they could n't slip away , off the edge of the screen .
27 But if Nicholas felt he had suffered at the hands of Celtic , then the suffering he experienced in London at the hands of the media was to force him out of the limelight and into a melancholic shell where scoring goals seemed harder than pulling Mother Theresa .
28 The little boy 's father was lifting him out of the boat .
29 Miss Jarman was heaving herself out of the carriage with the help of the crabbed old driver ; marching up the steps and rapping on the front door shouting :
30 When Vera Czermak found that her husband had been unfaithful , her first thought was to throw herself out of the window of their third-floor flat in Prague and put an end to her misery .
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