Example sentences of "be [verb] [pron] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , Master , we are building our arguments on the fact that there were men who looked like King James . ’
2 Graham Hunsley , defending , said he was now off hard drugs , had been to see his doctor about the problem and was hoping to undergo treatment at an addiction centre .
3 Cronenberg 's way of filming the unfilmable has been to arrange his material in a pulp noir format , laced with hallucinations , corrupt characters , and local colour ( local being studio-recreated Tangier ) .
4 The employees are accepting their fate with the usual mix of bitterness and resignation .
5 At the moment of writing , Labour seems to have lumbered itself with a system in which thode entitled to nominate — Labour MPs — will have no reliable means of guessing whether they are wasting their nominations on a no-hoper .
6 Mr Takeshita 's immediate aim is to show the Americans that he is as adept in international affairs as in domestic politics , and that they are wasting their time on a boy like Mr Kaifu .
7 If it is impossible for you to release them there make sure they are given their freedom in an area with abundant supplies of nectar .
8 Also , most appointees on public bodies are given their jobs for a set number of years , so it could be some while before changes filtered through .
9 Producer Lord Grade wants Lowe to star as a writer whose aunts are using their basement as a mortuary .
10 To get power , you are using your power against the power that the opponent gives to you .
11 Groups in our society such as Friends of the Earth , Greenpeace and the Green party are to be congratulated for the energetic way they are drawing our attention to the issues involved .
12 They think I 'm reconciled , but I 've only been biding my time for a chance like this one you 've brought me now .
13 So , if you are intercepting your track at an angle of 30° , you will wait until your RC has moved to a point where it is displaced 30° from the RC 0° to 030° or 330° .
14 But now the men managing her money are accusing her father of a bid to take complete control .
15 Oldham are to continue their search for a replacement for the injured Jon Hallworth after also hearing that any move for Grobbelaar — rated at around £400,000 — would be beset by complications .
16 The earliest the matter can be raised again is in January when the new Congress returns , and although if the benefit is reintroduced it may well be retroactive to1 January , potential donors are biding their time for the moment .
17 Just as I am drawing his attention to the point and beginning what I know will be a long and wearying discussion , Mirsal , who has been fighting the cabman about his fare outside , appears and lets loose such a torrent of thumbnail word portraits of the clerk 's family that , used as I am to his powers in this respect , I am struck dumb with admiration .
18 I 've just realised that as we talk , we are hanging our show on the miners and that there is not one image by a woman .
19 With some clients , such as Nissan , Nuclear Electric , Volkswagon Audi and Flight Refuelling , we are auditing our performance in the catering and facilities operations directly with our clients , resulting in true contract partnership . ’
20 A client is not easily detached from a solicitor who has been handling his affairs over a period of years , but a comparatively mild solicitation may deprive an insurance broker of valuable business which otherwise might safely be reckoned on for a period .
21 Europe 's political structure in 1880 had been given its shape by the Congress of Vienna , the wars of the middle decades of the century and the Congress of Berlin .
22 I am helping my Pa with the outdoor work , as is right and proper .
23 Will the Prime Minister now tell us whether he accepts that , in addition to the massive number of homes repossessed last year , a further 80,000 families are to lose their homes in the current year ?
24 Two hundred and ninety people are to lose their jobs with the closure of one of the country 's leading leather manufacturers .
25 Ninety people are to lose their jobs at a bleach factory .
26 It 's just been announced that three hundred and thirty workers are to lose their jobs at an oil and gas extraction equipment factory .
27 But in promoting it to MPs we 've been drawing their attention to the kinds of organizations which in turn in their eyes just sort of represent that pyramid or structure of votes that .
28 Theo had been confiding his disappointment with the way his life was turning out , and Vincent quickly swept in with an indictment : ‘ It seems to me that the whole art business is rotten . ’
29 The advertising is in black-and-white and is authentically ‘ French ’ — concentrating on moments or happenings in which French people , young and old , are enjoying their Janneau as a part of their everyday life — relaxed with that indefinable French quality of style which instils ordinary events with a particular panache , whether it be over a meal or simple as a complement to civilised living at any time of day .
30 They are bringing their children to a school about which they already know a great amount and have decided that it meets their needs .
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