Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] her [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 She was worried about a pair of wild barn owls : they had been nesting in her barn for years and she knew there were young up there , but had n't seen the parent birds going in and out for several days .
2 As one of McLaughlin 's respondents , who had been caring for her mother for seven years , pointed out : ‘ Well that really is a nonsense because the amount it is at the moment compared to anybody that 's had the chance of a full-time job , you 're talking of £24 as opposed to a job of about £98 ’ ( McLaughlin , 1991 , p. 48 ) .
3 It was the first time that Ethel had been summoned to her form-mistress for any reason other than praise .
4 I 've been staying at her place for some weeks now , in order to help her maintain the tight control on her blood sugar that 's so vital , especially in the first three months , but that 's becoming impractical .
5 As it was , she went down so badly with flu that she had to be confined to her room for the duration .
6 If , however , your parent is so seriously ill physically or mentally that she is no longer capable of dealing with her own financial affairs at any level , arrangements can be made by her solicitor for these to be dealt with by a government department known as the Court of Protection , and you should discuss this matter with the solicitor .
7 Still , she could console herself with the knowledge that Luke , and all his complexities , would n't be impinging upon her life for much longer .
8 If he hoped to persuade Mrs Thatcher that the releases were a favour to her and should be rewarded by her support for lifting sanctions , he will be disappointed .
9 It is her ambition to be tried for her life for murdering a small tobacconist with a meat-cleaver , only to be dramatically cleared when her alibi is established by the bishop who was confirming her at the very moment of the crime .
10 Cos it had been playing on her mind for weeks .
11 Mother Teresa of Calcutta has been talking of her concern for the victims of Aids .
12 As soon as he saw her again , however , he knew he was as much in love with her as ever , patient in his desire , for he knew she would n't have been cured of her passion for Andrew yet .
13 Robyn stretched her arms high above her head , releasing some of the tension in her aching shoulders from being hunched over her drawing-board for so long .
14 Louise Farrenc , who numbered Schumann among her fans , is remembered by her Nonet for strings and wind of 1849 , while the hapless Marie Antoinette is immortalised in the nickname of her favourite symphony , Haydn 's No85 , La Reine de France .
15 Rachel asked suddenly as they drank black coffee , because the question had been burning on her mind for some time , and she told herself it was important strategically to find out , although she suspected the truth was that he fascinated her .
16 I 've been working on her image for some time now .
17 It was sexual excitement — an element that had been missing from her life for too long .
18 No-one in Vienna knew her or me ; I was to perform on her behalf for the current season .
19 ‘ My Aunt Belle was confined to her bed for many years , ’ Finch said , blowing his nose in his health .
20 She was torn between her love for dancing and her dreams of family life .
21 MOTHER-of-two Wendy Pearce was trapped in her home for two days by a ram in her garden .
22 Rachel was hunting in her bag for a twenty-dollar bill .
23 Aunt Louise was seeking in her mind for the next verse , but it had gone .
24 Braniel woman Mrs Alexander Dodds ( centre ) , was presented with her prize for the ‘ Best Garden in the Braniel Estate ’ by judges Mr Albert Crooks and Housing Executive district manager Mrs Lorraine Campbell .
25 Such was her exhaustion that she would not have cared if her traitorous purpose was emblazoned across her face for him to see .
26 A girl , aged two , who was locked in her home for nearly 24 hours with the bodies of her dead parents was being looked after by relatives yesterday .
27 He was so quick that she was put off her stride for a moment .
28 She took a calming breath and turned , and was put off her stroke for a moment when she saw his glance flicking over her slim and erect carriage , taking in the elegant and attractive navy-trimmed white outfit she wore .
29 IN April 1917 , shortly after her nineteenth birthday , Jeanne Hébuterne was trying on her costume for the artists ' fancy dress ball during the Carnival .
30 He kissed her wet lips , warmly , tenderly , bringing them back to life , and she was lost in her love for him and his for her and she really did n't care if they never talked again .
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