Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] [v-ing] to [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Abilities or aptitudes can be tested psychologically ; experience can be validated by talking to peers or previous employers .
2 erm but these things could be done without going to committees , without any problem whatsoever if we just have this experiment to see how it works .
3 He felt that this could best be done by resorting to myths .
4 In these circumstances there was much to be said for sticking to forms that were known and accepted ; and in spite of the great list of possible wordings in PS , the Digest does not give the impression that the more obscure terms were much used .
5 I suggest that the answer to this can be found by looking to theories of the family and to legal structures .
6 Most of its cost recovery will be achieved by providing to customers such as surveyors , planners , property developers and the like a vastly enhanced and continuously up-dated digital database .
7 They deny , however , that anything useful is added by referring to states of the brain in terms of awareness or consciousness , or even as representations of the environment .
8 Discipline is thus ‘ a very general notion which is connected with conforming to rules ’ , whereas punishment is ‘ a much more specific notion which is usually only appropriate where there has been a breach of rules ’ .
9 Objective I is aimed at stressing to parents that they are the people who will solve the problem and that no-one else can solve it for them .
10 Some of the older drivers were not impressed , and one was given to shouting to drivers of passing modern cars , ‘ Get off yer backside and drive ! ’
11 In the last chapter , this position was criticized by pointing to difficulties involved in any attempt to justify the inductive reasoning involved in the derivation of scientific laws and theories from observation .
12 The Greek achievement represented an ideal : special , superior , but still largely remote and mysterious ; Germany 's own new culture was to evolve by coming to terms with it ; and a collective effort was to be the means of realizing that aim .
13 Heather appeared in court manacled and was prevented from talking to reporters after his hearing .
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