Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] [art] [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 The coalition had been joined by the Peasants ' Party and the Peasants ' Alliance .
2 The legality of these road-blocks was not tested in court ; the police claimed to be relying both on the Road Traffic Act and on the breach of the peace power as it had been developed during the miners ' strike ( see below ) .
3 MUCH attention has been given to the Prisoners ' Dilemma as a metaphor for the problems surrounding the evolution of cooperative behaviour .
4 The Monument to the People 's Heroes , the stone obelisk in the middle of the square where student leaders had their ‘ command centre ’ , has been declared a forbidden zone because it is felt to have been contaminated by the students ' presence .
5 For Newcastle , having built up a two-goal lead could have been caught by the Bees ' stirring comeback .
6 However , tactical considerations may dictate that some conditions and definition terms are omitted from the vendors ' draft of the heads .
7 Whatever the outcome of the Higginson Committee 's inquiry may be , if we are to see a radical improvement in secondary education , we must learn to think not merely of a new form of examination ( and therefore presumably a novel kind of syllabus that will lead to it ) but of a wholly new approach to those studies that we wish to retain in the sixth forms at school , and how these studies are to relate to the pupils ' next step , when they leave school .
8 Quality is improved and costs reduced if the components are designed with the suppliers ' most efficient manufacturing process in mind .
9 However the voting might go in these circumstances there could be no PR of wet , damp and dry votes , because there would be no means of knowing how far these had been attracted by the candidates ' presumed wetness , dampness or dryness .
10 So far the exercise has been confined to the managers ' professional body , the Institute of Health Service Management ( IHSM ) .
11 And indeed he has been nominated as the centrists ' candidate in the presidential election due in 1996 ( but likely to be held earlier ) .
12 The silent war between the United Company of Undertakers and the Worshipful Company of Upholders did not last long , for by 1748 the imprimatur had been dropped from the Upholders ' blank funeral invitations and we no longer hear from the United Company of Undertakers again .
13 A number of board members are pressing for the directors ' new suites , now being readied at the top of a spanking new building on Washington 's H Street , to be exempted from the Bank-wide policy of no smoking that begins on July 1st .
14 I have argued that the limits of sovereignty are contained in the courts ' central commitment to representative democracy : a purported statute which attempted to subvert democracy could derive no legal authority from the doctrine .
15 But all the same , Sara had not been prepared for the girls ' curiosity about Matthew .
16 A central employers ' body in Austria was similarly formed to resist working-class agitation after the ground had been prepared by a manufacturers ' strike indemnity association .
17 Nevertheless , there is certainly a common core of skills and knowledge that managers are expected to master and these are built into the managers ' induction and training programme .
18 DEMANDS for a legal right of access to Scotland 's countryside have been made by the Ramblers ' Association , and by former senior officials of the Countryside Commission for Scotland .
19 Even this reduced sentence exceeds , by a considerable margin , the maximum penalty which could have been imposed in a magistrates ' court ( which is where the majority of burglars of this type would normally be tried ) .
20 Strains are imposed on the self-builders ' families and main jobs , and as a result these schemes are not suitable for all persons and rarely for the elderly .
21 No you 're entitled to that you know that 's the If you have actually nominated somebody and that nomination has been accepted by the Teachers ' Pensions Agency .
22 Guests ' bills are written up daily from the duplicate vouchers which are debited to the visitors ' tabular ledger and it follows that the balances shown on the guests ' bills must correspond with the balances in the visitors ' tabular ledger .
23 since you done it we 've been looking in jewellers ' shops when I go , I go up town twice a week with her , you know , carry all the bags , and er we 're looking in the jewellers ' shop and some old , some lady stood there and , she were looking I says , come on they do n't wear marriage ri , wedding rings there !
24 You 're talking about individuals that have come in here , or you 're talking about the tenants ' association , the representation
25 Is this just the state having been convinced by the academics ' own rhetoric about themselves , or hoping that the academics will actually be prepared to keep their own house in order ( for instance , by closing down a course of their own volition ) ?
26 Mr MacGregor rejected Opposition charges that the Government 's plans had been torpedoed by the banks ' withdrawal when he made a statement to the Commons yesterday .
27 But investors must pay a price for this increased safety — not all of any gains are reflected in the trusts ' performances .
28 The company will therefore lose its quotation after the measures are approved at a shareholders ' meeting .
29 The rigidity and over-centralisation had been shown in the nurses ' pay regrading exercise , which had been worth ‘ nought out of 10 — useless ’ .
30 The opening of relations had largely been dictated by the powers ' own interests in the East Asian region , but now the issues became far more complex ; account had to be taken of factors as diverse as Japan 's economic imperatives , the growth of Japanese military power and the emergence of national sentiment in response to foreign contact .
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