Example sentences of "be [verb] [verb] that [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the final version , however , the wording had been amended to state that foreign banking markets were required to provide equivalent , but not necessarily identical , access facilities to EC banks if they wanted to trade within the EC ; it was also agreed that any foreign banks which were already trading legally within the EC would not need to reapply for authorization .
2 From my recent discussions with Chris Harris in the European Liaison Unit I am lead to believe that private sector investment in qualifying projects is eligible for grant assistance from the EC , but that the grant can not be paid to a private sector company direct .
3 ‘ I think we are going to see that slight pick-up disappear .
4 Scientists are beginning to argue that psychological fitness could be the biggest hurdle to a Mars mission .
5 That code was to be developed to ensure that public transport met the needs of all passengers , including the disabled and that it worked efficiently in the consumers ' interest .
6 Likewise arrangements should be made to ensure that supplementary information will be available where required .
7 In these circumstances the creditor should be seeking to ensure that unfair advantage is not taken of the surety .
8 I 'm beginning to feel that direct action is the only way forward like Earth First , who in Canada lie down in front of loggers and generally sabotage development .
9 A global moratorium on drift-net fishing on the high seas , including the North Pacific , from mid 1992 , unless scientific evidence can be provided to demonstrate that drift-net use does not pose an unacceptable hazard to marine living resources .
10 These last findings should not , however , be taken to suggest that temporary working is a cause of recurrent unemployment or of unstable employment patterns .
11 This apparent lack of evidence can not , however , be taken to imply that school-based evaluation exists only in the minds of educationists .
12 Great care will be taken to ensure that private study candidates will not be penalised because they come to the examinations in 1993/94 without advance warning of the changed expectation . ’
13 Furthermore if a blocking strain of mouse is used ( if the mice are outbred this is most likely to be the case ) then care must be taken to ensure that 2-cell stage embryos are recovered from the oviducts late enough in the second cell cycle to ensure their normal development to blastocysts in vitro .
14 The outsider might be tempted to assume that scientific ecology was inspired by the growth of environmentalism in the late nineteenth century .
15 This final section outlines the monitoring arrangements that will be required to ensure that important efficiency issues are being considered carefully by DHAs and FPCs .
16 In both cases they have been led to believe that true faith is doubt-free and that doubt is the same thing ( and just as sinful ) as unbelief .
17 The evidence that HBV infection can cause severe liver damage in liver transplant recipients who are immunosuppressed suggests that cellular immunity may not be the sole mechanism for HBV associated liver injury and agrees with data on HBV infections in other immunosuppressed states .
18 They went to the pub with Air Marshal 's ranking chalked on their uniforms , windows were smashed to prove that broken glass need not draw blood , there were tremendous fights , he lived at the local hall , there was game , there were bounties we never saw in London — he sailed very very close to the law during that period . ’
19 The sometimes insensitive and arbitrary methods employed in carrying out the regrading exercise has aroused scorn , derision and even despair from those who were led to believe that substantial pay increases were to be honoured at last .
20 ‘ We are determined to ensure that nuclear generation has a significant future within an integrated and balanced energy policy . ’
21 It involves close cooperation between central and local authorities and is designed to ensure that large scale developments bring the greatest possible benefit to the areas in which they are sited through , for example , the use of local labour and materials .
22 ‘ No insolvency proceedings shall be invalidated by any formal defect or by any irregularity , unless the court before which objection is made considers that substantial injustice has been caused by the defect or irregularity , and that the injustice can not be remedied by any order of the court .
23 Once a module has been copied to the hard copy volume , the Location file is updated to show that hard copy is ‘ in progress ’ .
24 Such an approach to the status of international law is not theoretically neutral ; rather it is a manifestation of that most popular of all jurisprudential theories , the sanction or imperative theory of law in which some version of Austinianism is deployed to say that international law is not a command backed by the effective threat of the use of force against non-compliance and is therefore not law ( Austin , 1861 ) .
25 The President of Fiji , Ratu Sir Penaia Ganilau , formally promulgated a new Constitution on July 25 , which was designed to ensure that political power remained in the hands of the country 's ethnic Melanesian population .
26 The vocabulary of social purity was employed to demonstrate that male immorality was the problem to be addressed , not the norm against which women should be defined .
27 She realised what a relief it was to have formulated that simple statement and how , having done so , the power of it to horrify her was already lessening .
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