Example sentences of "be [prep] more [noun] [conj] a " in BNC.

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1 A serious extension of the simple analysis presented in the previous paragraph would be of more help than a thousand more studies documenting that socio-economic differentials in mortality exist .
2 Within sublanguage applications a generative approach may be of more use than a probabilistic method .
3 This can be traced back as far at least as Lord Mansfield , who said : ‘ In all mercantile transactions the great object should be certainty and therefore it 's of more consequence that a rule should be certain , than whether the rule is established one way or the other .
4 It took as long again for their theories to be discredited , despite the fact that almost none of their Hollywood idols would agree that they were the sole auteur of the films they made ; while the greatest weakness of their belief was that the most flawed work by one of their preferred film-makers was of more interest than a major piece by one of those they did not rate .
5 We well a a foreman usually was over more workers than a charge- hand was .
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