Example sentences of "be [adj] to the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Destructiveness and self-doubt are preferable to the enfeebled body politic and the parasitic Church .
2 Psychology ( another recent coinage , this time by John Stuart Mill ) was still linked with philosophy — A. Bain 's Mental and Moral Science ( 1868 ) still combined it with ethics — but was increasingly given an experimental orientation with W. Wundt ( 1832–1920 ) , who had been assistant to the great Helmholtz .
3 Indeed , it will be interesting to determine whether atk is involved in any human neoplastic diseases that are specific to the B-cell lineage .
4 The colours produced by different atomic sized defects are specific to the particular defect .
5 However , the critical questions are specific to the particular ad , and they are the ones that really matter .
6 One view is that it is the result of government parsimony towards prison staff ; the other is that such staff shortages as occur are due to the arcane system of rigid restrictive practices developed by the Prison Officers ' Association ( POA ) .
7 Without such controls it is not possible to know with certainty whether any changes observed in the product are the results of incompatibility with , or inadequacy of , the package , or are due to the inherent instability of the product .
8 Is it not clear that the welcome improved prospects for an effective United Nations are due to the Soviet Union 's abandonment in the late 1980s of the aim of intimidating western Europe into submission and expanding its power generally ?
9 He posits that some of the changing trends in baseball violence are due to the increased commercialisation of the sport .
10 The oscillations of C are due to the alternating reinforcement and cancellation between unc and unc I think you can see that [ 4 ] is the quantitative version of the statement that to get C the electron must go through both slits .
11 ‘ They are due to the unpredictable nature and power of the bounce of these castles , which is part of their fun .
12 Our thanks are due to the original cast for the creation of these offstage characters .
13 High tides on the opposite side are due to the centrifugal force of the Earth 's rotation .
14 But we are not told what features of the French peasantry are to be held responsible for Bonapartism , nor what features of Bonapartism are attributable to the French peasantry .
15 This fall in operative trainees has primarily been due to the reduced demand following the recession in construction activity since the property collapse of 1973 .
16 He also expressed confidence that US aid would be resumed " within a few months " , claiming that the suspension had been due to the disproportionate influence exercised in the US Congress by the extreme right-wing Republican Senator Jesse Helms , but that Helms 's views did not represent those of the administration .
17 In recent years over 60% of postneonatal deaths have been due to the sudden infant death syndrome , giving New Zealand probably the highest death rate from sudden infant death syndrome in the developed world ( 4.0/1000 live births ) .
18 Actually it is one of Prokofiev 's most intimate works , and Hardy and Devos are alive to the wistful reflectiveness of the first movement , while the scherzo and finale have a lovely conversational interplay .
19 I am grateful to the Economic Secretary for his diligent research in producing those figures .
20 I am grateful to the Daily Mail for that accurate description of the Government 's attitude .
21 I am grateful to the hon. Gentleman for his opening expression of sympathy .
22 I am grateful to the hon. Gentleman for his support for the efforts of those involved and his endorsement of them .
23 I am grateful to the hon. Gentleman and I certainly give him the assurance that he seeks .
24 I am grateful to the hon. Gentleman for his comments .
25 I am grateful to the hon. Gentleman for asking that question .
26 I am grateful to the hon. Gentleman .
27 First , I am grateful to the hon. Gentleman for giving me notice of the detailed point that he wished to raise .
28 I am grateful to the hon. Gentleman for what he had to say about the European Community .
29 I am grateful to the hon. Gentleman for his first remark about visitors to Wales .
30 I am grateful to the hon. Gentleman for raising such a point , rather than displaying the ridiculous opposition that we have seen from Labour , which still seems pledged to getting rid of some of the finest schools in the state education system .
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