Example sentences of "be [adj] [to-vb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We are right to sympathise with the hon. and learned Member for Leicester West .
2 Other additions , we did earlier Chair , and that is we have received a mental illness specific grant , erm , on a number of schemes but they have been time limited , and they are due to cease , some of them are due to cease in the coming year .
3 ( Infuriatingly , though , the notes are due to appear in a separate volume , which has still not been published , so it is impossible to tell whether the quotation comes from a letter , from conversation or from some unauthenticated report at second-hand . )
4 An 18-year-old and a 16-year-old are due to appear in the same court to face a similar charge .
5 For the four clubs Rovers are due to meet in the next stage of the Anglo-Italian Cup are setting the pace in Italy 's Serie B.
6 Deliveries of the new jet — which is designed to tap the market for business aircraft with an intercontinental range — are due to begin in the first quarter of 1991 .
7 His earlier lease had been due to expire during the previous year .
8 It is not that men in management — MIM s as they are labelled by the pages of popular business handbooks — are unused to talk of a corporate future marked by chaos , turmoil , and ‘ reality turned upside down ’ .
9 However , with British Council assistance it has been possible to arrange for a Romanian student to successfully complete a conservations course at Cambridge .
10 Only for the black bean aphid Aphis fabae has it been possible to develop over the last 25 years an effective system to predict migration several months ahead to advise farmers when to spray .
11 Often musical ideas and phrases were taken from western records , which it has been possible to buy on the black market at high prices ( for ⅕ of the average monthly wage ) .
12 You are clear to fly over the inner ring defence system . ’
13 But they are prepared to act on the political stage according to a script which permits pragmatic compromise up to the point where further compromise would endanger the fundamental evangelical principles of the background .
14 If we are prepared to participate in a European bank for reconstruction and development to help countries in eastern Europe which are facing the same problems as Britain 's defence industry workers , could we not at least set up a defence diversification agency to help the tens of thousands of workers in the north-west and throughout the United Kingdom who will be thrown on to the scrap heap ?
15 But since then things have changed , and if they are prepared to go to a little trouble and expense they can now acquire a cat that will almost certainly give them no problems .
16 ‘ Until we can get enough food through to stop people starving to death , you wo n't be able to stop those who are prepared to kill for the few precious supplies , ’ said Julian .
17 Whether you can only spare the occasional day or are prepared to help on a regular basis , Chapter 12 , Voluntary Work , lists a fund of suggestions you might like to consider .
18 As is most common in holistic healing , too few people are prepared to stick to the dietary disciplines –or long .
19 Even if the PSBR is reduced , this may be insufficient to prevent the growth of credit , especially if banks are prepared to operate with a lower liquidity ratio .
20 Specifically , this means provided they are prepared to work with a smaller ratio of balances/ liabilities .
21 At the moment they are prepared to work with the political parties in keeping up the momentum December generated , but it 's clear they intend to progress with their agenda whether or not the formal politicians continue to drag their feet .
22 She was , as Clara had discovered at an early age , colossally inconsistent ; and sometimes Clara thought that it might have been easier to live with a true religious fanatic , whose fads and fancies would be at least predictable and well-marshalled , with the backing of some kind of external authority , from which there could be some appeal .
23 Swivel/lockable Wheels are easier to manoeuvre in a busy shopping area while fixed wheels are probably more comfortable over bumpy ground .
24 But even though what was being contemplated was regionally restricted , it nevertheless went far beyond what these states , following the British line , had been willing to accept at the European level .
25 An England source said : ‘ Geoff has always been willing to help on an unofficial basis .
26 Where firms maximise profits in uncompetitive conditions the effect is that consumers are denied goods which they would have been willing to buy at the competitive market price .
27 She has been willing to look outside the civil service for advice on policy — to various ‘ think tanks ’ and individuals who have often reinforced her scepticism about traditional departmental policy views .
28 Would the Secretary of State have been prepared to sit at the same table — I repeat , would the Secretary of State and his colleagues have been prepared to sit at the same table with that man , within the confines of the Anglo-Irish Agreement ?
29 Would the Secretary of State have been prepared to sit at the same table — I repeat , would the Secretary of State and his colleagues have been prepared to sit at the same table with that man , within the confines of the Anglo-Irish Agreement ?
30 An important aspect of the new Somali operation is that for the first time American soldiers have been prepared to serve under a non-American chief .
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