Example sentences of "be [adj] [adv] [prep] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 Moreover , since the end of the sixteenth century incoming cottagers had no common rights and were dependent entirely upon their labour for their living .
32 But if the desire for democracy and passports reflected pockets of anxiety , 1984 to 1989 were remarkable more for their lack of political activism .
33 There had been military expeditions to establish English authority in Wales in 1277 and to maintain it there in 1282–3 and again in 1287 , and these were costly enough in their way , but they paled in comparison with the activity and demands of the 1290s .
34 Some of the office rooms were comfortable enough in their way — far more so , indeed , than those in the new building — still , they were most inconveniently arranged , in proof of which it need only be mentioned that the Secretary of State in going from his own room to the Cabinet Room had to pass through two rooms occupied by other persons .
35 Yet throughout these eventful years the tradition of Catholic imitative polyphony flowed on undisturbed , reaching even greater technical equability in the work of Josquin 's presumed pupil Nicolas Gombert ( c. 1500–c. 1556 ) and Jacobus Clemens ‘ non Papa' ( c. 1510–c. 1557 ) , with whom we may associate other natives of French Flanders : Thomas Crecquillon ( d.c. 1557 ) ; Jean Richafort ( c. 1480–c. 1547 ) , an older pupil of Josquin 's ; two composers whose identities were confused even in their lifetime , Lupus Hellinck ( c. 1495–1541 ) and Johannes Lupus or Lupi ( Jean Leleu ) ( c. 1506–1539 ) , the confusion being worse confounded by two less distinguished contemporaries named Johannes Lupus ; Noel Bauldewyn ( d. 1530 ) , who was Richafort 's successor at Malines Cathedral and composer of the Missa Da Pacem long attributed to Josquin ; 3 and Pierre de Manchicourt ( c. 1510–1564 ) who towards the end of his life became master of Philip II 's capilla flamenca , in which both Gombert and Crecquillon had served under Philip 's father , the Emperor Charles V.
36 I thought you were happy here on my island , that you loved me and wanted to stay with me . ’
37 The seamen were concerned only with their ship , the revenue men did not fully understand the sea and the conflict of interests resulted in too much wasted time .
38 If the Member States of the EEC were concerned chiefly with their security and with an effective system of collective military strength , they would work through the structures of Nato , whose durability and success are well proven .
39 Such ideals were grandiose both in their conception and in relation to the practicalities of post-war reconstruction .
40 They were impervious both to his charm and to his aggression : they had neutralized him .
41 By Svalbard or Greenland standards the bergs are small , but they are nice enough in their setting , the stranded ones , sculpted by wind , sun , and rain , are brilliant blue on their shadowed sides .
42 Cos those little , cos they 're only little cups about that big , the proper cappuccino really , it 's watery enough in my cup , it 's bearable .
43 That I am not , is due partly to my dislike of professional boxing and the men who manipulate it for their own ends , and partly to the fact that Lewis is yet another ‘ adopted ’ Englishman , who has spent most of his life in Canada , and won an Olympic medal fighting in their colours .
44 I say ‘ gently ’ because a tense diligence is harmful both to our heart and to our task and is not really diligence , but rather over-eagerness and anxiety .
45 The time taken to retrieve or return an entry is dependent firstly on its size .
46 Philip is ironic also about his tendency to think in terms of ‘ higher ’ literature , and he discredits the validity of a quotation from Eliot , when it comes into his mind , simply on the grounds that he has been too corrupted by contemporary culture for anything that occurs to him spontaneously to have lasting value :
47 The king is absolute only in his power to pass from one slavery to another .
48 I only gave him that much , I only gave him a tiny drop to take , I said it 's medicinal really like my Brandy Port .
49 Even this severe shaking , however , failed to cause alarm amongst the local people ; they had by that time been living with the eruption for many weeks , and it is remarkable just to what extent familiarity of even something as exceptional as a volcanic eruption can breed contempt .
50 The gap between the two , although only a few metres wide , is deep enough for my boat to pass through at any state of tide .
51 At this level of production the program is useful only to its creator and can not be disseminated further .
52 The updated Accord has only been on sale in Britain for six weeks , but already Honda 's well ahead of its target of three and a half thousand sold by Christmas .
53 Everything that torments me , everything I do n't have and that I long for , that makes me indignant , or sick , or suffocates me , everything that gives me a feeling of light and warmth , and by which I live , and everything that destroys me — it 's all there in your film , I see it as if in a mirror .
54 the walrus is stuck forever on his rock .
55 It is revolutionary too in its scope , for it has implications for a whole range of academic subjects in the arts and the social sciences .
56 Society in general is kinder too in its attitude to the widower , and is prepared to draw closer to him to give him help and support as he does his grief-work .
57 It is spectacular even in its present , relatively primitive form .
58 The suppression of sexuality which is material both to his affinity for and his analysis of coal mining is also a suppression of history .
59 ‘ If it be agreeable also to my lady Anne in whose service I am , ’ Joan replied dutifully .
60 It 's alright all over me desk .
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