Example sentences of "be [adj] [conj] in some [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Usually only the tips of the radial shields are visible but in some specimens a large distal portion of the shield may be visible .
2 But religious education has been known to be fundamentalist and in some cases anti-catholic , depending on the teacher .
3 He continued : ‘ It is perhaps encouraging that Scotland has suffered less than most regions , however , although the average fraud perpetrated in Scotland tends to be smaller than in some regions , the impact on Scottish businesses can be just as damaging . ’
4 Practically all building materials are affected by one or a combination of the following : extremes of temperature dampness method of stacking or storing accidental or wilful damage avoidable or unavoidable wastage Sometimes deterioration may be difficult to detect and , perhaps even more important , actual realisable value may be negligible and in some cases negative , in that costs will be incurred in carting away .
5 The farmers ' protests , over falling prices and the prospect of even lower prices under the common agricultural policy of the European Communities ( EC ) [ see p. 38352-53 ] , had initially been peaceful but in some cases deteriorated into violence [ see p. 38446 ] .
6 The Royal Commission on Local Government in Scotland ( Wheatley 1969 ) followed the same broad analysis of the ills of the system as their English counterparts , but their prescriptions were different and in some ways more radical .
7 The objectives were laudable and in some ways romantic .
8 The ventral arm plates are pentagonal and in some specimens the distal edge may be indented .
9 The examples in ( 8 ) are representative : ( 8 ) the visiting scientists are nuclear farmers who will qualify are arable the expert was meteorological Ascriptive adjectives on the other hand may freely occur predicatively ( although it is possible that in some cases an ascriptive adjective may be excluded for different reasons ) .
10 The levels and movements of urban rent are hard to document , but where substantial series of records survive , it is clear that in some towns at any rate , rents fell in the fifteenth century .
11 John Gorman says … he 's happy but in some ways disappointed that they 've had to wait so long for a win … it 's been hard week after week … but they 've shown great character and the fans have been very supportive
12 It is evident that in some areas the local political parties were intent on retaining control .
13 The evolutionary sequence for the history of mankind which is sketched out in The German Ideology is patchy and in some respects inconsistent , but the main features emerge clearly .
14 Perhaps it 's surprising that in some cases the learning outcomes and performance criteria were not being assessed or applied — all the National Certificate publications stress that these features are at the heart of the competence-based system and that they can not be varied under any circumstances .
15 It is true that in some cases these publications may be of extreme radical tendency , attacking the established practices of academic English teaching , but that is no objection , since it is the fact of publication that counts , not its content .
16 It is true that in some cases it happens that the recipient does not find the punishment painful , or even welcomes it — for example , some offenders might find prison a refuge against the intolerable pressures of the outside world .
17 It is true that in some countries such reservoirs of capital were already available , amply sufficient not only for their own needs but also anxious to be drawn upon ( for a suitable rate of interest ) by the rest of the world 's economy .
18 It is true that in some respects the two institutions were assimilated , but enough has been said to indicate that the most fundamental disparities , in structure and in procedure , remained unchanged .
19 In poorly drained areas extensive cattle ranching is predominant while in better-drained areas annual cropping is expanding and in some cases , especially in Venezuela , irrigation is making a major contribution to agricultural development .
20 The greater light was , of course , the sun which , in early mythology , was considered masculine while the moon was feminine and in some cultures , she was called The Queen of Heaven .
21 Miranda was relieved that in some ways Xanthe could still be her age .
22 Equal opportunities and gender were given a high profile in Authority policy , but again the situation on the ground was uneven and in some cases inadequate .
23 Mr Threlfall , who has promised an investigation , said it was inevitable that in some cases response times were longer .
24 In some ways it was better and in some ways it was worse .
25 I was aware that in some circles there was a market for less innocuous pleasures , for there was a great deal of poverty that winter , and the occupying armies , with their apparently endless supplies of food and tobacco and warm clothes , could buy more or less whatever they wanted .
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