Example sentences of "be [adj] [conj] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 European component manufacturing costs are lower than in the States , and we could save the Corporation around a billion dollars a year by purchasin' components from our European plants .
2 Its grounds are private and to the west of the lodge the trail leaves the road to cross Kenmure Moss .
3 Incomes in the area have therefore been lower than in the UK as a whole , and out-migration has reduced the region 's share of Scotland 's total population from about 20 per cent in the mid-eighteenth century to about 5 per cent today .
4 A central aim of the work is to determine the extent to which will founded generalisations are Possible as to the manner in which the structure of these industries evolves .
5 If you are pregnant and under the age of sixteen , it is compulsory that you receive some sort of education until you reach this age .
6 However , yields have always been low because of the climate .
7 She knew he was not actually in the red at the bank , but he was pretty near to it at times , although he was now paid a very good salary , much more than Len would ever have been paid if he had still been alive and in the job .
8 The merging together of different financial institutions in this way to form ‘ one-stop multi-service financial supermarkets ’ would not have been possible but for the relaxation of certain types of regulatory barriers .
9 Many of the new innovations have only been possible because of the company 's commitment to total quality management ( TQM ) .
10 Mr Neill , whose grandfather founded the company , said : ‘ I am sorry that in the future I will not have any shares in the company that bears my surname . ’
11 He says that no , the pond is n't just full of green slime and mud , there are thousands of tadpoles , which in themselves are interesting because of the way they metamorphose .
12 The story might have been different but for the Vietnam War .
13 " But " , he added , " I am afraid that to the aestheticians of these days you will seem like a sleepwalker , whom it is inadvisable , not to say dangerous , and , above all , impossible to follow . "
14 I regularly argue with the Table Office that we can table amendments to Bills which make provision for orders that are amendable because of the census legislation .
15 The hybridisation patterns are different except for the Eco RI fragment of 6.5 kb detected by both probes .
16 Most of the agencies that we shall be describing in the following sections would claim to offer information , advice and assistance but some are dubious as to the extent to which they should take action on behalf of a client and some will refer a matter on to specialists when they reach the limits of their competence .
17 All of these introductions are personal and to the point .
18 An aspect of the purported effects of the political system is the policy co-option argument — that the extreme right , at least in recent years , has been unsuccessful because of the ease with which some of its appeals ( or some attenuated version of them ) can be adopted by major parties , after the former parties have shown themselves unable to break into the political system .
19 So , when British representatives attend international conferences to conserve salmon they are treated as pariahs and are impotent because of the continuation of nylon drift-netting off the English coast .
20 And for children ⅕ of the amount of those benefits stated for adults are payable except in the case of a fatal accident where 1/50 of the total benefit would be paid . )
21 Heating costs are minimal because of the weather .
22 The fare increases would have been bigger but for the governments last minute intervention .
23 Indeed , the differences are such that to the student weaned on a study of the United States Constitution , the British Constitution is nearly incomprehensible .
24 so far this year , packed chlorine sales are running at 160% of budget and ICI Watercare have been able to supply new overseas markets which had previously been impossible because of the shortage of packages .
25 They 're all cos of the heart trouble in the family , you know .
26 You 're rare because of the way
27 Erm , now that leaves us with er , really the er , the publishing , the educational publishing er , the newspapers , magazines , electronic publishing , in all those areas we 're active and on the lookout .
28 They tell me you 're smart and on the level .
29 The forces are larger than in the experiment of Roll , Krotkov , and Dicke but the torque can only be reversed by bodily rotating the apparatus , which gives large and irreversible effects that vitiate the method .
30 Village clusters are fewer than on the mainland .
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