Example sentences of "be [adj] [prep] [adv] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If you 're interested in either the design or purchase of jewellery then a unique opportunity has come to Glasgow this week .
2 On the contrary , they would seem to have been involved in precisely the kind of political and military activity from which Jesus , according to later tradition , is dissociated .
3 He protested that the Scottish Secretary , Ian Lang , had been present at only the start of the debate .
4 Quiss had been lonely with only the castle 's shy and dwarfish attendants for company , and Ajayi was pleased to find somebody who already knew their way round the cold , forbidding stump of rock , iron , glass , slate and paper which was the castle .
5 It has also been employed , in conjunction with other research techniques such as the follow up interview , in the identification of survey questions which are problematic for either the interviewer or the respondent .
6 The solution may be stable on either the success or the failure surfaces for the same value of the logical rigour factor .
7 The charges and exchange rates should be visible from outside the bureau and then detailed in a receipt to be given to the customer after the transaction .
8 ‘ Electro-fishing can be dangerous to both the user and the fish if they are not experienced . ’
9 Pulsatilla , which also is not a nosode , can be useful in both the treatment and prevention of measles .
10 SuperShow is an excellent example of Shareware at its very best and may prove to be invaluable to both the business and educational user .
11 I did not have an opportunity to see any meals being served whilst I was there so I can not be sure of either the quality or quantity .
12 The nature of any factors within the colonic lumen that may be responsible for either the initiation or continuation of inflammation remains unknown but recent attention has focused on the possible role of flora associated with the mucosa .
13 These findings support our previous work showing that H pylori release of ammonia is unlikely to be responsible for either the hypergastrinaemia or the gastritis caused by this bacterium .
14 He will be responsible for both the adult and children 's lists , and will report directly to the DK board in London .
15 ‘ Well , we ca n't be far from either the road or the Forest Court , ’ said Floy .
16 So the reason that we put on erm at the simply is of Mrs and Mrs more accurately wants that this information is the publics and should be available to both the public and to local authorities .
17 But coping with the disease can be distressing for both the patient and their helper .
18 Few data are available on either the prevalence of oesophageal mucosal disease in asthmatics or the effect of bronchodilator therapy on the oesophageal mucosa .
19 At Edinburgh , honours degrees in Geography are available in both the Faculty of Science and Engineering ( see separate entry ) and the Faculty of Social Sciences .
20 A substantial component of the noise normally comprises speech sounds which are irrelevant to both the task and the individual .
21 C , D , and E are common to both the mode and the whole-tone system .
22 The position then is this : we are investigating the equilibrium of normal demand and normal supply in their most general form ; we are neglecting those features which are special to particular parts of economic science , and are confining our attention to those broad relations which are common to nearly the whole of it .
23 A manager 's prime task is to optimize the collaborative efforts of a number of people , being responsible for both the task and the people .
24 The end-product was interpreted and enforced by judges who were independent of both the legislature and the executive and whose jobs were guaranteed regardless of how inconvenient they proved to be .
25 In some areas they were able to further the cause of reform through their positions on the bench of justices .
26 It was found that there were problems which were common to both the payroll and the interface projects enabling them to be solved by the same remedy .
27 They are keen on neither the market 's fundamentals nor the prospect of adding to their equity exposure at current giddy prices .
28 Chinese diplomats , who have long been close to both the prince and the Khmers Rouges , have outlined the shape of a possible deal to some of their western counterparts .
29 Damage is extensive on both the dentine and the enamel , some teeth having all of the enamel removed , leaving a narrow and eroded dentine core , while others also have much of the dentine removed so that the edges of the dentine , or of the enamel if it still remains , collapses in on itself ( Fig. 3.22 O ) .
30 But first John Major 's , and now Norman Lamont 's , tenure at the Treasury has seen a resumption of a policy that is inimical to both the industry 's and the Government 's long-term interests .
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