Example sentences of "be [adj] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Self completed diaries are preferable to single questionnaires or clinic based consultation because accurate recall of symptoms may be affected by memory bias and single measures may be misleading .
2 Soundposts are an important feature of bowed instruments but are unsuitable for plucked instruments and will deaden the sound of a dulcimer .
3 The mammalian gut has been stable for many millennia and acts to constrain the flexibility of E. coli 's genome .
4 It may be that pupils ' needs are greatest in these areas but they are where teachers feel least capable .
5 Tyres fitted are 16.9 × 28 fronts and then massive 30.5 × 32s on the rear .
6 The Buid are sub-moral in Christian eyes because of their refusal to ‘ properly ’ acknowledge their debts .
7 ‘ You are strange to these parts though you were born near here , for Wrath is not so many miles to the north .
8 Prices satisfying these costs are Pareto-superior to go-it-alone prices or prices for subgroups , so that it would seem people would be willing to pay them , yet in our example it turned out that they are not .
9 The work of the team is co-ordinated towards meeting agreed objectives with clear differentiation between , and respect for , those skills and roles which are specific to individual members as well as those which may be common or shared .
10 It is also possible to take advantage of compounds , phrases and idioms which are specific to certain domains and/or contexts .
11 By establishing the practice of job rotation workers become generalists so that their skills and experience are specific to particular firms and therefore less transferable .
12 But the discharge may be refused or postponed if he has been guilty of certain offences or misconduct in connection with the bankruptcy , or if his assets are insufficient for the payment of 50p in the £ , unless this is shown not to be due to the debtor 's fault .
13 Such behaviour may depend at least partly on the teacher 's skill in setting up situations which will elicit the best from each child : most people are shy in some situations and confident in others , and different people 's responses to the same situation may vary sharply .
14 — These are due to chemical substances that absorb some wavelengths of the incident light and reflect others .
15 Many cases of severe mental handicap are due to medical conditions and the causes are better understood , but there are still difficult areas of definition .
16 Some argue that high returns are possible in declining industries and that this is inconsistent with the harvest/divest strategies indicated in the BCG and McKinsey-GE matrices .
17 In the entire study population the associations , particularly with periodontal disease , were weak and may have been due to small biases or residual confounding .
18 I am grateful to these sponsors and to my colleagues on the project , Alison Kelly , Barbara Smail and John Catton .
19 We have all worked very hard to make sure that our district societies are representative of all members and I am sure that a breakdown of the composition of committees would prove this .
20 These three fires are each at different times and well dated by samian burnt in situ and they can be attributed to accident .
21 Like Haydn 's works , Mozart 's quartets are each in four movements and K.173 has a fugal finale , a device adopted by Haydn in three of his op.20 ( 17 18 ) .
22 In fact , diesels are cleaner in many ways than petrol engines in their emissions .
23 Class I molecules devoid of peptides are unstable under these conditions and lose the epitope recognized by W6/32 ( ref. 22 ) .
24 Infected rates are high among urban elites as well as among the poor and underprivileged .
25 Since the time of Freud , it has been acceptable to many theorists that the way in which we behave may be powerfully influenced by mental processes to which we have no conscious access .
26 It was simply too demeaning to believe that the experience we had shared had been dependent on such things as the amount of booze Dennis put away that lunchtime .
27 I would suggest that initially one of the things we ought to be doing is making approaches to the private sector through their organisations where they exist and say , look we really have to begin to get into the kind of discussions that you have been talking about earlier between health and social work ; health , social work and the voluntary side to talk about the issues of planning and the issues of quality and the issues of the form and shape of services and what sort of developments are acceptable in client-need terms and what are not acceptable .
28 These are adequate for most purposes if they are used properly , since different people will be able to deduce from the answers information which is relevant to the job they want to fill .
29 The elegant Crichtons dining room and Kitcheners Restaurant are popular with local residents as well as visitors from town .
30 Pigs are popular in medical experiments because some of their body parts are very much like ours .
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