Example sentences of "be [adj] [verb] them into [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Different recognisers have different areas of strength and weakness , so it may be possible to combine them into one system .
2 If your list of suspect foods is very extensive , it may be better to split them into two groups and try eliminating each group in turn .
3 I felt a little shy : all those things we had written — would I be able to translate them into physical action , into real , spoken words ?
4 To be able to change them into different fractions .
5 Because we reinterviewed the same people at different times throughout the year , we were able to divide them into persistent readers of Tory tabloids , persistent readers of Labour tabloids , persistent readers of broadsheets and , finally , those who changed papers or read no paper regularly .
6 During the period 1560 to 1640 , virtually all these conformist English Protestants shared a set of common doctrinal beliefs , but in terms both of liturgical preference and intensity of commitment it is possible to divide them into two broad and fluid categories : a mainstream Protestant majority which was relatively content with the hybrid character of the Elizabethan church ; and a minority , labelled ‘ Puritan ’ by their contemporaries , which aspired to bring about further reform of that church in the direction of continental Protestantism .
7 While each college is to a large extent sui generis it is possible to divide them into three main groups .
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