Example sentences of "be [verb] to have the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Men can have one dark suit and wear it all day and no one will even notice , but women are expected to have the right clothes for lunch and afternoon tea and working in and then have some stunning outfit for evening .
2 I 've been known to have the odd game , yes .
3 This is a difficult area in practice as the legislation specifies no age at which children may be considered to have the requisite degree of understanding .
4 However , " knowledge " is used in a special way and a person can still be deemed to have the requisite knowledge if it would be obvious to a reasonable man that a patent was being infringed .
5 She began to exchange odd words with the others , the Afghan 's owner , tall and bearded in home-knitted sweaters full of mistakes , the woman who ran a boutique a street away and her argumentative pekinese , and an Alsatian with a middle-aged man in dark suits and expensive shoes who looked like an advertisement for men 's tailoring , the kind who would be bound to have the right clothes for any occasion .
6 As to less peculiarly solicitorial matters , a partner will generally be taken to have the implied authority of his co-partners in such matters as : ( 1 ) rendering accounts in respect of work done by the firm ; ( 2 ) bringing or defending legal proceedings ; ( 3 ) employing and dismissing staff ; ( 4 ) opening bank accounts in the name of the firm ; ( 5 ) entering into contracts on behalf of the firm ; ( 6 ) accepting payments of partnership debts .
7 It had been hoped to have the English version ready for publication by Easter this year but it had been delayed principally because of objections to the use ‘ inclusive language ’ .
8 Two out of 160 G418-resistant D3 clones were found to have the targeted mutation and clone 515 gave rise to germ-line chimaeras .
9 So she 's going to have the dermatological products used on her this afternoon .
10 John Stephens is aware of this expense and is aiming to have the new computer ready to fulfil this function any time now .
11 The sub-utility function is assumed to have the constant elasticity form
12 As the School can not accept responsibility for loss , parents are advised to have the appropriate insurance .
13 As the taxpayer was deemed to have the beneficial interest in that part of the interest in possession vested in the company , the property transferred was not shares but the vested interest in possession and so para 15(3) ( ba ) , Sch 6 did not apply .
14 In the past children 's reading was seen to have the heavy purpose of providing the young reader with moral guidance , indeed moral direction .
15 And then at a Cabinet meeting of Unionist Ministers it was decided to have the General Election and go to the country at once ( without consulting any of the party ) under the L.G. banner as Coalitionists .
16 But in 1944 , at the age of fifteen , she was judged to have the mental age of a child four years younger .
17 He therefore never spoke ill of Harrow ; and on one occasion he announced in a speech there that when he was first called upon to form a government he was determined to have the unprecedented number of six Harrovians in his Cabinet .
18 He added that if Medway 's almost completed study on Rosyth dockyard were favourable , it was planned to have the combined passenger/freight roll-on roll-off facility in place by Spring 1994 .
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