Example sentences of "be [verb] on the [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 Decisions have to be taken on the types of film technique to be used ; locations ; casting ; music ; sets ; and any special requirements .
2 It 's not clear what notice will be taken on the results of the Enquiry which will be published in the Autumn , but leader of Oxford city council , Barbara Gatehouse , is worried what will happen if the plant is closed .
3 Passengers had perforce to ride , and goods were carried on the backs of packhorses or mules .
4 I cut it out of Cosmopolitan magazine : an article entitled ‘ Think Yourself Thin ’ , illustrated by a blonde woman in a bikini being carried on the arms of two grinning , solid young men .
5 His jackets were hung on the backs of chairs , his triumphantly acquired groceries were stacked in the sitting-room , his cigar butts filled the ashtrays and his glasses had made rings on the surface of the poolside table .
6 Sometimes xerolas ( vegetables and/or fruits , often in the shape of a gigantic ball and strung on a pole which is carried on the shoulders of two men ) are carried in the procession .
7 The affair , dubbed Baftagate by members of the British Academy of Film and Television Arts , is taking on the dimensions of a drama itself .
8 The affair , dubbed Baftagate by members of the British Academy of Film and Television Arts , is taking on the dimensions of a drama itself .
9 An appeal can be marked without significant cost being incurred at that stage and frequently appeals are marked as a holding operation while advice is taken on the prospects of the appeal succeeding .
10 Mr Major explained how he was carrying on the principles of his predecessor and pointed out that he was her seconder in the leadership ballot and regretted that she had not stayed on .
11 The following survey was taken on the streets of Bradford .
12 So no action was taken on the ideas of the Layfield Committee .
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