Example sentences of "be [verb] as the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Fighting as ‘ Little Chocolate ’ , his campaign in England culminated in his winning the world bantamweight title by stopping Englishman Nunc Wallace in eighteen rounds of a contest at the Pelican Club , London , in 1890 ( though he had informally been recognized as the premier bantamweight for some years before ) .
2 He simply announced that although Edward V had been recognized as the rightful heir , this was only because men were ‘ then ignorant of the very sure and true title which our sovereign lord that now is , king Richard III , hath and had the same time to the crown of England ’ .
3 He simply announced that although Edward V had been recognized as the rightful heir , this was only because men were ‘ then ignorant of the very sure and true title which our sovereign lord that now is , king Richard III , hath and had the same time to the crown of England ’ .
4 Constipation is now recognized as the underlying cause of this disease — and fibre-depleted diets are recognized as the major cause of constipation .
5 The ‘ rule of thirds ’ has been treated as the standard method of division , but other arrangements were sometimes made which might reflect the contractor 's view of the likely profits to be won from a particular campaign .
6 Neighbouring Middlesbrough has always been developed as the regional centre .
7 A British international cap has long been regarded as the ultimate achievement for the amateur golfer .
8 Lynda Nead 's article focuses on images of the female nude which , she argues , has been regarded as the ultimate test of artistic skill , the supreme subject for the truly creative artist .
9 Within the dominant traditions of art criticism , the nude , and now we must also specify the female nude , has been regarded as the ultimate test of artistic skill , the supreme subject for the truly creative artist .
10 The left , consistent with its primary language capacity , is sequential and analytic in its style and has often been regarded as the rational half , responsible for the organisation and expression of conscious thought .
11 This contrasts with many other societies in which sharing a home with relatives has been regarded as the normal option and a permanent arrangement .
12 Though the Constitution on Revelation at Vatican II has often been regarded as the major landmark in Catholic biblical studies , the real turning point had occurred with Divino Afflante Spiritu two decades earlier .
13 The book has , for more than 30 years , been regarded as the definitive guide to these two great mountains of East Africa .
14 SERBIA 'S president , Slobodan Milosevic , has long been regarded as the artful dodger of Balkan politics .
15 For the Life Assurance and Unit Trust Regulatory Organisation ( Lautro ) , the regulator charged with supervising life offices and their agents , one or two mishaps might have been regarded as the inevitable teething troubles of a new system .
16 The points A and B in the diagram represent the temperatures at which the largest crystallites disappear and are regarded as the respective melting temperatures T m for the samples .
17 Now , his songs are intended as the real thing , but widely assumed to be some sort of parody .
18 Over the past decade , digestive enzyme activation by lysosomal hydrolases ( particularly cathepsin B ) has been implicated as the initial event in three forms of experimental pancreatitis .
19 In mid-November Assad , whose current constitutional term was due to end in March 1992 , had been nominated as the sole candidate by the Ba'ath Party and the People 's Assembly .
20 Former Irish international Dr Geraldine Barniville from Dublin has been nominated as the new president but it is understood that Ulster 's Billy Bell and Paddy McAuley the outgoing treasurer and secretary will not be standing for election. , It is widely acknowledged that Paddy McIlroy , past president of Ulster , and the outgoing Irish vice-president , made a major contribution in drafting the new constitution and by-laws .
21 The 1980s have been forecast as the Golden Decade of cometary research , seeing the first return of Halley since Mount Wilson was built and the launch of four cometary probes .
22 So far arbitrage has been considered as the equilibrating mechanism .
23 Criticisms such as these were so widely deemed effective that by the middle of the 1960s Realism was popularly held to have been superseded as the dominant approach in the discipline .
24 In August the KKE had expressed support for the attempted coup against Soviet President Gorbachev , and Papariga now declared that the process of perestroika " which has been presented as the political restructuring of socialism , is in fact a most savage … restoration of capitalism " .
25 Similarly feminism has stressed the importance of subjectivity , arguing that in the past men 's experience has been presented as the objective truth .
26 People are seen as the key organisation resource and employees are aware that their best efforts are essential and they will share in their companies ' success .
27 Perhaps surprisingly , wide area Asynchronous Transfer network services are seen as the final phase , since SynOptics feels that carriers will be slower off the mark to respond to demand ( despite the fact that AT&T Co said that it will introduce Asynchronous Transfer Mode services towards the end of the year ) .
28 For methodological reasons , it is important to distinguish between this and the socially based interpretation of the results , because if the social factors involved are seen as the motivating principle for the selection and analysis of linguistic variables , the investigators may be accused of biased selectivity and circularity .
29 The " drug barons " , importing from Thailand , Pakistan , or Colombia , are seen as the real cause of increasing " hard " drug addiction in the UK , rather than the fact that they would have no market if there were no demand .
30 Productivity through people : people are seen as the sole basis for success which is developed through respect for the individual expressed through trust .
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