Example sentences of "be [verb] out [art] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 Yet for years I have made free with opinions about floating the pound , shadowing the mark , sinking the dollar , and effect on the £ of entering Europe , devaluation , and the various devices that are wheeled out every year for the Budget .
2 ‘ And when you look at some of their shops and you see the same old wooden table that has been sitting out the front for months priced at £10 , or £20 , you realise the money has got to be coming from somewhere else — and we know it 's coming from knocking . ’
3 Saw three fellows at the end of Royce Wood , who I found were laying out the plan for an iron rail way from Manchester to London .
4 Richard Elderton 's latest challenge is to work out the layout for a solitaire board he is designing .
5 Quite often , there 's a moment of truth — the realisation that there 's no way you can actually make all the minimum payments on your credit cards Then , the secret is to seek out the reason for your burning desire to go barmy in Benetton , or wherever your compulsion manifests itself .
6 All that you have to do to be included in the draw for this super prize , is to take out a subscription for yourself — or a friend or relative — by 25th August , on which day the draw will take place .
7 10-year old Danish company SuperUsers , which has its headquarters in a 16th century castle overlooking the sea North of Copenhagen , is carving out a niche for itself as a Unix ‘ knowledge house ’ for Scandinavian and European countries .
8 ‘ We 've been working out the date for the party , ’ Frau Nordern said , producing an enormous desk diary .
9 The youngest of Taureg 's officers was holding out the flag for all to see , proudly proclaiming the success of their patrol and the reason for this , their special homecoming .
10 I know in , was it eighty-nine , there was a fashion Yves St Laurent put , putting , was putting out a fashion for women to walk around with one breast bared , now in Oxford I just saw nobody dressed like that !
11 He was making out a case for the purchase of a .308 rifle as an extra weapon for deer hunting on the nearby estates .
12 He was making out the folder for the new case , meticulously transferring details from the police form to the file .
13 ‘ The wiseacres of the village ’ , so Joseph Cottle heard from Coleridge , ‘ had … made Mr. W. the subject of their serious conversation ’ and concluded that a man so given to wandering the hills at late hours ‘ like a partridge ’ , and looking strangely at the moon , must either be a conjuror , a smuggler , or worst of all ‘ a desperd French jacobin ’ who was spying out the ground for a French invasion .
14 The first thing I did when I came to live in this lovely place , was to take out a subscription for MKM .
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