Example sentences of "be [verb] that no [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 At Hadley Wood Station we are told that no southbound train has passed through .
2 From this it can be seen that no one method is suitable for all learning/ teaching situations or for all individuals .
3 With such a huge range of reproductive activity stimulated by the sun , it might be thought that no other trigger was needed .
4 Off they hastened , to be told that no living patient in the hospital had the name of Bessie Lee , but a young girl answering her description had died half an hour before .
5 If that journalist had attempted to inspect any files relating to Crabb 's ‘ accident ’ he would either be told that no such files existed or , if they did , were classified in the interests of national security .
6 It is to be regretted that no such flexibility was exhibited on the current occasion .
7 It prevents proceedings being transferred for this reason unless it can be shown that no other method , including transfer to another magistrates ' court , is appropriate and that delay would seriously prejudice the child 's interests .
8 We believe that there is , but that it has to be recognised that no single model of ‘ what law is ’ and how it relates to ‘ justice ’ can provide any instant prescription for the tactics to be adopted .
9 It will be noted that no special damage is pleaded .
10 It must be remembered that no complete version of the New Testament survives which pre-dates the reign of Constantine .
11 The social worker will be like a skilled ‘ friend ’ to them , who can help them in many areas of their life , perhaps by suggesting ways of overcoming loneliness by putting them in contact with the type of activity , club , Day Centre or workshop that would interest them , and arranging suitable transport for this ; or , if they are not particularly keen on group social activities , sometimes by finding individual volunteers to visit them and take them out ; although it should be remembered that no social worker or voluntary visitor can ever be a real substitute for care from their own family .
12 This Report focuses on some of the immediate problems , and suggests some possible solutions , but it must be emphasised that no single component of RBGE can hope to deal with all of these issues .
13 In the view of successive Secretaries of State it is essential in the interests of national security and of any other grounds for which a warrant may be issued that no such inference should ever be capable of being drawn .
14 Should it be perceived that no lasting peace is possible with the mining industry , measures such as a swift expansion of nuclear capability ( perhaps using the PWR ) and possibly more electricity links with France may be adopted to avoid the risk of another strike .
15 We were told that no further departures had occurred in Anglesey since the Secretary of State took the council to task .
16 Today , of course , it is recognized that no real success can be achieved by a therapist working alone ; the patient 's full co-operation is essential .
17 ‘ ( a ) It is accepted that no civil court ‘ has any power to decide in a manner which would bind a criminal court that evidence of any kind is admissible or inadmissible in that court ’ ( per Lord Wilberforce in the Rank case [ 1982 ] A.C. 380 , 442f ) and that restrictions embodied in the order of the civil court would not bind ‘ an English criminal court … from admitting the information in evidence at a trial : ’ per Lord Fraser of Tullybelton , at p. 446e. ( b ) However it is different if the prosecutor is personally restrained from placing the information before the criminal court , because in that scenario no question of admissibility arises .
18 State 6 to State 4 — usually after a faulty item has been checked ( eg. cleaned ) and found to be good , but it is decided that no further data should be added to the item .
19 State 6 to state 4 — usually after a faulty item has been checked ( eg. cleaned ) and found to be good , but it is decided that no further data should be added to the item
20 At present , many residential homes for adults run by local authorities have over 25 residents , whereas it is felt that no residential homes should have more than twenty-five places and that it would be much better if the average size was much lower .
21 It is understood that no specific target date has been identified for completion of the Heywood link , but a spokesperson for the borough planning department which was instrumental in obtaining funding for the project , pointed out that the grants negotiated are available for the next three years during which time the majority of restoration work must be completed .
22 But this is to forget that no lower preference can become effective unless all higher preferences have become ineffective .
23 Whatever style of planning management is used , the overriding need for understanding the business is to ensure that no important issues are neglected .
24 It is hoped that no further speculation on alternative causes of ‘ monster sightings ’ shall envisage Loch Ness as a stagnant pond .
25 Likewise , it is submitted that no modern court would say as Sir George Jessell MR did in Printing and Numerical Registering Co v Sampson ( 1875 ) LR 19 Eq 462 : … if there is one thing which more than another public policy requires it is that men of full age and competent understanding shall have the utmost liberty of contracting , and that their contracts when entered into freely and voluntarily shall be held sacred and shall be enforced by courts of justice .
26 When the parties returned , it was to report that no more men had been found and that there was no way out .
27 Thirdly , it was claimed that no general warrants were issued .
28 Division of assets would be on the basis of the size of each republic 's population , Slovakia having approximately half the population of Bohemia-Moravia ; it was reported that no financial compensation would be paid by either republic to the other .
29 The aim was to ensure that no one brewer controlled more than 40 per cent of the on-licences and 33 per cent of the off-licences in any area .
30 One of the aims of the Government 's 1988 benefit reforms was to ensure that no working families were faced with a marginal tax rate of over 100 per cent .
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