Example sentences of "be [verb] to the [noun sg] from " in BNC.

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1 So yo , so you 're saying that it should have been explained to the man from West Calder that that 's the sort of , er level of charges he 'd had to pay and if he did n't want to pay it he should have taken a different house ?
2 A large proportion of the children have been referred to the school from mainstream schools where they have frequently been seen as having severe behaviour problems .
3 The royals take an obscure pride in their penny-pinching , details of which are leaked to the press from time to time so as to suggest that they are , in fact , just like us .
4 The scientific basis for these reductions was the latest research findings on the health of the 90,000 people who had been exposed to the radiation from the 1945 Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs and were still alive .
5 The wall clock had ‘ Glynn Books ’ lettered on its face and had been transferred to the kitchen from the shop in some major upheaval of the past .
6 When modules are read from LIFESPAN , they are transferred to the account from which LIFESPAN is currently being accessed , not to the account where the modules were held originally ( if these are different ) .
7 MY ATTENTION has been drawn to the letter from Muriel Green ( HAS May 5 ) , chairwoman of the education committee , North Tyneside Council , in which she defends the comprehensive school ideal .
8 The letter rogatory specifies those facts and circumstances causing the requesting party reasonably to believe that the requested documents are or were in the possession , control , or custody of , or are known to the person from whom the documents are requested .
9 In the case of L Rowland and Co ( Retail ) Ltd , the High Court found that the period of time for which the clock stops during an enquiry by Customs can only reasonably be limited to the period from when the local office initiates the enquiry with the trader to the day when a satisfactory answer is given by the trader .
10 Hughes ( 1972 ) found growth to be confined to the period from late April to late September on the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia .
11 Changes of code are minimized , but new activities must be added to the list from time to time .
12 How should indexicals be accommodated , so that the notion of logical consequence , as it applies for example to the inference from ( 14 ) to ( 15 ) , can also be applied to the inference from ( 16 ) to ( 17 ) ? ( 14 ) John Henry McTavitty is six feet tall and weighs 200 pounds ( 15 ) John Henry McTavitty is six feet tall ( 16 ) I am six feet tall and weigh 200 pounds ( 17 ) I am six feet tall Clearly , in order for ( 17 ) to be a valid inference from ( 16 ) , the referent of I must somehow be fixed — the inference does n't follow if ( 16 ) and ( 17 ) are said by different speakers .
13 Similarly , as the discount houses take up Treasury bills from the tender on the Friday of the previous week , net payment will be made to the Bank from the rest of the banking system .
14 Within the Silurian , faunal and facies changes can be related to the transition from shelf environments in the east to the basin margin in the west .
15 The hurricane-lamp was placed about twenty feet in front and pumped up to maximum brilliance while we lay sweating and mosquito-bitten in the shadows , fingering our cameras and the trigger of our temperamental Sun Gun , expecting that at any moment a curious snake would be drawn to the light from the shadows behind us , rather than from the cave ahead .
16 The Women Artists Slide Library will be closed to the public from Wednesday 23 December until Tuesday 5 January 1993 .
17 The Three Peaks route may be followed to the summit from Ribblehead .
18 A project may be interdisciplinary , and require the contributions of an engineer , a scientist , a statistician and a production expert , who would each be appointed to the team from their functional department , whilst still retaining membership and status within their ‘ home ’ department , ie :
19 The applicants , one a Hindu and the other a Muslim , applied in November 1990 , expressing their preference in accordance with the Education Act 1980 , for their respective daughters to be admitted to the school from September 1991 .
20 The question for the court in any case where the discretion falls to be exercised , one or other of the gateways provided by article 13 having been opened , is whether or not the child or children should be returned to the jurisdiction from which they have been wrongfully removed .
21 A new non-executive member , Paddy Waring , has been appointed to the authority from April 1st and two senior health service managers have also been appointed .
22 The next question is how the money is being transferred to the Department from the DSS will be managed .
23 The largest stones weigh over 50 tons apiece and some of the smaller ones were transported to the site from over 100 miles away .
24 Some of these died in captivity while being brought to the coast from the African homeland , and even more lost their lives in the brutal conditions on board the slave ships during the notorious Atlantic crossing or ‘ Middle Passage ’ .
25 Now the clothes , The Diamond and Pearl Collection , are being marketed to the public from this month and Apache was invited to try them out along with the models at the launch — and he was delighted .
26 Because the interest is added to the loan from the outset , you will pay off more interest in the early months than in the later ones .
27 The second term is related to the deviation from ideal behaviour and gives a relationship between the second virial coefficient B and the interaction parameter χ 1
28 The tumble-dryer hose is connected to the vent from the inside
29 It should be noted that each time a module is transferred from LIFESPAN , it is copied to the directory from which LIFESPAN is currently being accessed .
30 It should be noted that each time a module is transferred from LIFESPAN , it is copied to the account from which LIFESPAN is currently being accessed .
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