Example sentences of "be [verb] to [pers pn] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Er has been to see me about it , but I 've said that the initiative for farm watch has got to come from them , I said , we 're not gon na stand up and draw up a load of support and expect us to service the damn thing , I said it 's up to you and your members to do it , and I still think he 's trying to get us to do it via the back door , He 's been to talk to me now about it , and I 've told him exactly what I want to do and that we we 'll be involved , but it ai n't gon na be a police run scheme , it 's gon na be a farmer 's run scheme with police support locally .
2 He mentioned then a touring display on the poet Hugh MacDiarmid , and I am writing to you now with some more information on the display .
3 May I add to those representations the ones that have been made to me locally by committees responsible for organising the summer common riding festivals in the central Borders and Scotland ?
4 Excellent examples of this have been related to me mainly about mothers-in-law and other relatives !
5 The job had been offered to her out of the blue .
6 She might have been speaking to him backwards in Swahili for all the attention he paid her explanation .
7 Mr Mackie , who now lives in Inverurie , said he had dabbled with soft drugs as a teenager in London and had been introduced to them again by Murray and his brother , David Murray , when he went to work at Kenway .
8 ‘ The board are currently selecting a short list of candidates who have been introduced to us independently by Pro Ned Limited .
9 You can also make an appointment with the librarian or one of his staff so that the classification system can be explained to you together with any skills involved in scanning the microfiche for details of authors , articles and sources .
10 Indeed , as in social history generally , the rights are likely to be given to them partly through the students pressing for them themselves .
11 We shall be writing to you again around August 1989 to ask you whether you would prefer to be excluded .
12 If we 've not answered your question in this programme , I shall be writing to you directly during the next few days .
13 You are entitled to choose whether or not to accept engagements which may be offered to you either on an hourly or sessional basis but the Company does not guarantee continuous employment and nor is the Company under any obligation to offer further engagements or re-engagements .
14 It also seeks your approval to the which has been undertaken by respective chief officers , during the current financial year , in which , is why I 'm reporting to you now in accordance with the national regulations .
15 He saw , therefore , that the masses could be bound to him only through constant psychological mobilization , demanding ever recurring successes .
16 On 12 May Thorpe J. granted the local authority leave to transfer W. to a unit specialising in eating disorders and for treatment to be administered to her there without her consent .
17 A formal notice requiring you to attend here for such an interview will be delivered to you separately from this letter .
18 Money was supposed to be wired to her soon from somewhere .
19 A confirmation of your reservation will be sent to you together with directions on how to reach the venue .
20 Where the Administrative Officer ( Personnel ) holds a doctor 's statement covering days beyond the last day for which SSP is due , it will be sent to you together with the ‘ transfer form ’ .
21 Even if you are resorting to it out of nervousness or fear that you have bad breath it will create a very negative impression on the interviewer .
22 Could I just remind members of the board of the next two meetings which are at the bottom of the er a a agenda and were given to you previously of course .
23 People were drawn to him almost against their will , even when they knew his faults .
24 Now the selection of pupils was another gamble and they were allocated to us straight from the various flying training schools .
25 He was so extraordinarily quiet and self-possessed , it was almost as if he were chatting to us confidentially about it all instead of making an elaborate speech .
26 ‘ Your letters were sent to me immediately from Baker Street , and were very helpful .
27 ‘ They were forwarded to me here at my request and I was impressed .
28 ‘ Be it known , ’ declared the paraplegic , who had been paralysed irreparably in some nerve-eating attack by aliens , ‘ Õbe it known that some precious organs of the Venerable Dorn have been lost to us utterly during the vast lapse of time .
29 10.3 The Academic Parties shall , notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement , have a licence to use for the purpose of further internal research and teaching work all the foreground technical information that they themselves have generated together with such of the background and results as is communicated to them hereunder by the other Parties and is necessary for such use of their own result , but such use shall be in conformity with the confidentiality conditions of this Agreement .
30 The company is writing to you directly about all this and have asked me to stress that they 're always happy to deal with any queries about their service .
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