Example sentences of "be [verb] by the [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 The coalition had been joined by the Peasants ' Party and the Peasants ' Alliance .
2 The Monument to the People 's Heroes , the stone obelisk in the middle of the square where student leaders had their ‘ command centre ’ , has been declared a forbidden zone because it is felt to have been contaminated by the students ' presence .
3 For Newcastle , having built up a two-goal lead could have been caught by the Bees ' stirring comeback .
4 However the voting might go in these circumstances there could be no PR of wet , damp and dry votes , because there would be no means of knowing how far these had been attracted by the candidates ' presumed wetness , dampness or dryness .
5 DEMANDS for a legal right of access to Scotland 's countryside have been made by the Ramblers ' Association , and by former senior officials of the Countryside Commission for Scotland .
6 No you 're entitled to that you know that 's the If you have actually nominated somebody and that nomination has been accepted by the Teachers ' Pensions Agency .
7 Is this just the state having been convinced by the academics ' own rhetoric about themselves , or hoping that the academics will actually be prepared to keep their own house in order ( for instance , by closing down a course of their own volition ) ?
8 Mr MacGregor rejected Opposition charges that the Government 's plans had been torpedoed by the banks ' withdrawal when he made a statement to the Commons yesterday .
9 The opening of relations had largely been dictated by the powers ' own interests in the East Asian region , but now the issues became far more complex ; account had to be taken of factors as diverse as Japan 's economic imperatives , the growth of Japanese military power and the emergence of national sentiment in response to foreign contact .
10 In such circumstances , the lease and its counterpart can be exchanged immediately they have been settled by the parties ' advisers , and any works to be carried out by the tenant can be dealt with in a licence for alterations .
11 This had not been appreciated by the defendants ' chairman who had considered the advertisement for some 5 to 10 minutes before approving it , but who had not sufficiently thought through the implications of it .
12 But on the whole it is easy to value paintings by Japanese artists as they paint similar subjects , and new prices are set by the dealers ' auction which takes place once a month at the Tokyo Bijutsu Club , of which most big dealers are members .
13 This can not be applied directly in international law , for treaties can be amended by the parties ' unanimous agreement , and there is no over-riding regulation of international organisations .
14 ‘ A lot of money can be made by the dogs ' owners .
15 Conditions on the granting of bail may be imposed by the magistrates ' court on defendants against whom charges are pending .
16 Pharaoh decides to tackle the problem in more direct ways ( 15–22 ) , only to be defeated by the midwives ' faith .
17 A hire-purchase agreement which is not properly executed can not be enforced by the sellers ' recapturing the item but only by a court order .
18 Buxton was not a man to be deterred by the shipowners ' protestations that the National Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union was not only unrepresentative of seamen but would fail " to command support in the event of a decision of a conciliation board which did not secure the immediate approval of the persons affected " .
19 The application must be accompanied by the candidates ' ’ skills checklist ’ .
20 If a company publishes any of its statutory accounts they must be accompanied by the auditors ' report and if it is required to prepare statutory group accounts it may not publish its ( statutory ) individual accounts unless they are accompanied by its statutory group accounts .
21 This was the first independent radio station in the republic and was to be run by the students ' official youth organization .
22 However , one still feels that the processes of preparation within the schools and youth theatre groups are the most valuable learning areas , yet , these areas must be heightened by the youngsters ' realisation that they will eventually perform in a well-equipped , professional space .
23 For instance , in Jones v Sherwood Computer Services plc [ 1991 ] NPC 60 , the sale and purchase agreement said that a sales statement prepared by the purchasers was to be reviewed by the vendors ' and the purchasers ' accountants .
24 Paisley played a part in the Ulster Workers Council but , like the other politicians , he had had to be forced by the workers ' action in starting the strike despite his reservations .
25 For a few days there was a period of uncertainty , as Huw waited to see if the Brotherhood were planning another attack upon him — and the Inner Circle of the Guild waited to see if any steps would be taken by the Dockers ' Union , or by the police , in defence of the young man .
26 External assessment , in the form of SATs , should : generally be conducted by the pupils ' own teachers ; observe the principle of fitness for purpose ; be intrinsically rewarding and enjoyable for pupils and accord with good classroom practice .
27 Alternatively , these assets are left untouched , and are inherited by the grandparents ' children .
28 Other delays in obtaining access to the goods are caused by the importers ' need to produce an ever increasing number of documents .
29 Aindow is further charged with conspiracy with others to pervert the course of justice by allowing himself to be struck in the leg in order to support a false story that he had been hit by the joyriders ' car .
30 The overseas office of an MNP is in a slightly different position ; the solicitors practising from that office ( including all the solicitor partners , whether resident overseas or not ) are governed by the Solicitors ' Overseas Practice Rules 1990 , and solicitor partners will be responsible for ensuring the office 's compliance .
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