Example sentences of "be [verb] at a local [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We recognise that the bulk of actual recruitment spade work will be done at a local level , but , apart from a few heroic efforts , the branches were not up to it .
2 The network of Training Enterprise Councils ( TEC ) has been set up to allow strategies for dealing with vocational training , employment needs , new enterprise and economic development to be handled at a local level by a single local body , which benefits from the practical experience and local knowledge of the employers and others who serve on its board .
3 because of this the Government considers that conflicts between competing interests , where they occur , should be tackled at a local level through negotiation .
4 Erm there is then a case for that policy to be covered in the structure plan and of course in local plans and at the local plan stage there is an opportunity for councils to er interpret the structure plan policy to add er exceptions if they so wish and for those to be tested at a local plan enquiry .
5 Wine can be purchased at a local store .
6 If directives are not being enforced at a local level , the EC market will remain unfair .
7 Well , I mean you may be right I ca n't be I 'm not I 'm not absolutely certain myself but er it would be nice to think that we were represented at a local authority level , yeah , by different cross-sections of our community .
8 Finally , a good deal of inquiry is made at a local level by local authorities or local voluntary bodies attempting to assess a particular problem in the immediate area .
9 Bellway 's subsequent appeal against the decision was dismissed at a local planning inquiry in 1990 .
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