Example sentences of "be [verb] have a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The computer we are using has a precision of six decimal figures .
2 However , the content through which these mathematical skills are taught has a set of messages all of its own and because we live in a capitalist society we can easily be unaware of these messages — about the exploitation of labour , the sexism , the inequalities based on racism and social class — that are all a part of the ideology of capitalism .
3 The ministers were supported by almost 52,000 local or lay preachers : of these totals the four leading denominations we have been surveying had a total of 6,409 ministers and 44,142 lay preachers in England .
4 All sixty-five , despite wildly divergent styles ( Minimalism to Neo-Romanticism ) , and mostly diabolical qualities , are claimed to have a hot-line to the Sacred .
5 All courses , except where specifically arranged , are conducted in English and participants are expected to have a command of English as a working language .
6 The explanatory variables which are utilised are expected to have an impact on union growth because they affect the opportunity and/or the propensity of workers to join a trade union .
7 Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody , with a perinuclear pattern on immunofluorescent staining has been reported to have a sensitivity of 65% and specificity of 100% in primary sclerosing cholangitis .
8 Politicians are deemed to have a bias for stability and continuity .
9 Apart from circulating relevant material to those members contained in the mailing list that are considered to have an interest in the particular planning exercise in question , there are a number of basic publicity measures which should almost invariably be carried out , i.e. place an advertisement in the relevant local papers ; lodge relevant documents at suitable venues accessible to the public .
10 In addition , the right hon. Gentleman does not seem to be aware that , although potential joyriders may not read Hansard , the word about tough sentences having been imposed has a habit of getting around .
11 erm if you 're going to have a self at all in our society I think it has to be one that 's defined in relation to the occupational world .
12 Now we 'll talk a bit more about signals because presently we 're going to have a look at a a little bit of video which is erm showing commentary .
13 Er and all their fighting gear and we 're we 're going to have a look at a Roman legionnaire .
14 We 're going to have a look at the , the benefits and the , the objectives of planning , and what you should be considering and talking about with peo , with other people you share your life with , your partners and things , and then we 'll look at the id , the ingredients of a plan , then we 'll look at what the company 's going to provide for you , to help you plan .
15 Well , there were n't so many old people then when we came here we were classed as one of the oldest people because er they were all very young people and you were talking about Dame Leah Manning and she came to me one day and she said we 're going to have a problem on the town because it 's a very young town .
16 Do you think they 're going to have a problem on that one ?
17 Yes , good , because you 're going to have a go at it .
18 But you 're going to have a fight on your hands .
19 It looks as if we 're going to have a hell of a job to identify him .
20 On the board this morning we 're going to have a bash at thinking about some targets , we 're going to have a bash think about , how you think you 've done so far ?
21 We 're going to have a cloth by the sound of the water .
22 But I remember I was on the way into Howard 's bungalow , and Bogie was coming out , having just seen my screen test , and he said , ‘ We 're going to have a lot of fun together . ’
23 No but would it do to , I mean you 're going to have a lot of the stuff that we chopped off
24 ‘ We 're going to have a shot at making love sideways instead . ’
25 If you 're going to have a bet on the Derby , do make sure you understand the system
26 To get costs down , to turn more coal , to work more hours , when at the end of the day we do n't know if we 're going to have a job in in one or two years .
27 Right , we 're going to have an exercise in giving each other positive feedback .
28 They 're bound to have a phone in the bar . ’
29 These girls had actually been requested to have a conversation in " Jamaican " , and had said that they would do so .
30 Ferranti 's naval and avionics businesses are thought to have a turnover of about £500m .
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