Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Imagine , in some generation in the past , that a species contains N individuals , and hence 2 N copies of some particular gene , say the gene for cytochrome C. Let the total mutation rate per gene be m ( that is , the chance of a mutation of some kind occurring somewhere in the gene in a given sperm or egg ) .
2 Between 1960 and 1980 the total acreage devoted to food production in Africa increased from about 70 million hectares to about 100 million , or about 2.5 per cent per year , sufficient to sustain a population increase of about 2.7 per cent .
3 But calculations of the total carbon released by fossil fuel combustion imply that , if all such carbon remained in the atmosphere , the concentration would have increased by twice as much .
4 The total time lost by system users as a result of errors or the need to correct errors should not exceed twelve and a half hours taken over a three month rolling average ( i.e. 98% accuracy of processing ) .
5 This will mean that an additional revolution is lost , so the total time incurred per overflow record will exceed one revolution on average .
6 In June , an estimated 1,800 boat people had arrived in Hong Kong , bringing the total number held in detention camps to over 60,000 .
7 Between 1951 and 1980 the total area brought under afforestation schemes was 3.18m ha , and 2.2m ha ( nearly 70% ) were plantations for industrial purposes .
8 This was evidently regarded as a heavy burden by the English government , although it was the merest tumulus compared with the great Everest of debts owed by the Emperor Charles V. The English Crown had escaped large-scale indebtedness by selling Crown lands , which produced 32 per cent of the total revenue raised for war , and by debasing the coinage , which produced just about as much .
9 The total sum awarded for loss of future earnings is therefore two hundred and thirty six thousand seven hundred pounds .
10 The total sum awarded in relation to future loss of earnings is therefore two hundred and thirty six thousand seven hundred pounds and that for past loss of earnings is eight thousand pounds making a total of forty four thousand seven hundred pounds .
11 If we denote total government bonds by B , bonds per capita by b , and use T c to denote the total tax paid on capital income ( including bond interest ) measured per worker , the classical savings model yields the capital market equilibrium condition .
12 It is important to estimate peak flow requirement every hour as well as the total amount required per day .
13 The total amount paid per household in tax was based on two figures .
14 The total aid granted for investment ( except some property improvements and land improvements ) must not exceed the aid resulting from financing the investments with a 15 year loan at a 7% interest rate subsidy .
15 In Chemicals Manufacturing at Royston and Brimsdown , the normal hierarchy associated with production and support areas has been swept away , and replaced with teams and team leaders .
16 The normal laboratory ranges for serum albumin and retinal binding proteins were 35–45 g/l and 1.9- 8.0 mg/dl respectively .
17 With these preoccupations , the Left 's vision of socialism has often been negative in form : socialism is a society without the private ownership of the means of production because private ownership is a key feature of capitalism ; socialism is a society free of private profit , because of the centrality of private profit to a capitalist way of motivating economic life ; socialism is a society free of inequalities of class , because capitalism systematically produces just those inequalities ; socialism is a society without politics of a class kind because this is the normal form taken by politics under capitalism .
18 Candidates are advised to make application for the above courses in the normal manner indicating in Section 6(i) of the application form that they wish to apply for an ESF training grant .
19 Hodge supported and utilised the RDC until November 1946 when the Interim Legislature came into existence .
20 The broad feature shifts in frequency .
21 As a result of such consultation it is planned that over the period 1989–90 to 1999–2000 there should be an increase in total ( FTE ) graduate numbers of around 700 ( home/EC and overseas ) , a significant proportion of which has already been achieved ; this would allow room for undergraduates to increase by 1,300 and for the overall growth of the University to be contained within the broad policy approved by Congregation of 1 per cent a year to the end of the decade .
22 Wells reaching the pre-Permian in Hampshire and Dorset follow the broad pattern seen at outcrop in Devon , with clastics of Devonian age at Cranborne , and Lower Carboniferous Culm at Seaborough and Nettlecombe .
23 The liquid mixture cools until point a' .
24 Honey and Hall ( 1989c ) conducted a direct test of the conditioned suppression controlled by stimulus A and found no difference between the groups .
25 Only the Norman crypt remains as evidence of that church .
26 If the all-provident mother of the hunter-gatherer societies had been lost with the coming of agriculture and weaning so that a divine substitute had had to be found in heaven in the shape of the mother-goddess , then eventually a real , human substitute had been found on earth in the person of the all-powerful emperor or king whose granaries could supply in reality what the opulent breasts of the divine mother promised in phantasy — namely , reassurance against oral anxiety and the fear of hunger .
27 His book The Divine Supermarket travels in search of the soul of America and explores some of the more bizarre manifestations of transatlantic religiosity .
28 The geographic market taken into account by the Commission was the world market , excluding China and Eastern Europe .
29 The specialist may have their own preferences as regards the diet , but if not , the three-stage diet given in Chapter Fourteen can be used .
30 The European eco-label designed by Newel & Sorrell has been thrown into confusion following the introduction by France and the Netherlands of their own individual labels .
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