Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun] in [art] way " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , the political difficulties in the way of Reddy 's plan are only too evident .
2 Moreover , it must be said that even the patristic position in no way solves the problem that the symbolism of Christ is somehow male .
3 Good advertising communicates the right message to the right people at the right time in a way that will interest or amuse them , but above all make them want to buy the product , service , or even " idea " .
4 The movement 's historian has described it as ‘ a landmark in Free Church history ’ although he admitted ‘ it did not take hold on the life of the Free Churches in the way that might have been expected ’ .
5 We are not just talking power-dressing for women ; Armani makes men look even better than the fairer sex in a way that 's so thoroughly macho it 's no wonder the world 's aggro merchants have taken him to their hearts as eagerly as Hollywood 's glitterati .
6 Integrating some of the Public Schools in the way proposed would eventually cost about £12m. each year , and £6.1m. in the short term : these plans would now be in open competition with the proposals of the Newsom and Plowden Reports , at a time when severe economies were being applied to public expenditure .
7 If Professor Lee or others can devise a blueprint for government regulated auditors with financial and business skills to serve the public interest in a way he feels the Big Six do not , he should be aware of a ( minority ) view in these firms that auditing is a high risk , low reward business which is uninteresting by comparison with certain other activities .
8 The apple juice speeded the fibre-stripped apple through the mouth and stomach and also raised the blood-sugar level in a way which led to the rebound hunger factor described in a previous chapter .
9 The lyrics which are found in preaching manuals like the Fasisculus Morum and Speculum Christiani or are specifically written or collected by Franciscans like James Ryman , William Herebert and John Grimestone both encapsulate essentials of the Franciscan teaching in a way calculated to catch the imagination and stir the emotions , and incorporate standard interpretations of the meaning of Scripture .
10 They failed to catch the popular imagination in the way the inhabitants of Coronation Street , Albert Square and Ramsay Street have done .
11 John Pilger 's TV film last week has roused the conscience of the British people in a way that politicians like us have failed to do .
12 The second is to give the courts power to sentence the serious cases in the way that they deserve .
13 It is significant that very few women used and abused the male body in the way that their male colleagues manipulated female flesh , indeed it is rare even to find a male nude among the work of women surrealists .
14 Underlying the principle of geographical distribution is more than merely a notion of fairness or equity , for it seems that to exclude any administrative area might be to risk offending the divisional authorities in a way which would be unhelpful to the project as a whole .
15 The cognitive obstacles in the way of police investigations
16 So it 's not necessarily that one has to be too critical of all the individual items in the way that some people have .
17 But here , the B section may be no more than a brief refrain like the ‘ Alleluias ’ which end both parts of Richafort 's ‘ Quem dicunt homines ’ or an extended section of more than forty bars as with the ‘ fera pessima devoravit filium meum Joseph ’ of Clemens 's ‘ Tulerunt autem ’ which is spliced with the ends of the preceding sections in a way that epitomizes the composer 's technical skill :
18 We will also be able to illuminate the heart of the democratic process in a way not possible at present .
19 Urban violence , inadequate infrastructure and , at 3.1 per cent a year , the fastest population growth in southern Asia were among the chief obstacles in the way of the Bhutto government 's attempts to revitalize the economy .
20 His photographs from this time succeeded in capturing the real China in a way that would have been impossible to a foreigner .
21 Neither the murder of Sigibert in 575 , nor that of Chilperic nine years later was to alter the political map of the Merovingian kingdoms in the way that the death of Charibert had done , since they each left a single male heir .
22 Earlier today she 'd been jealous because he 'd smiled at the three women in a way he 'd never smiled at her .
23 He was also , he realized , as he went through to the hall to get Hasan 's coat , tied to the little boy in a way he could not have predicted .
24 In this contriving to do the obvious thing in a way not altogether obvious will lie the difference between producing a run-of-the-mill story , which may well never see the light of day , and producing a story with that something extra .
25 Raskolnikov is self-divided and also separated from the human family in a way which for Dostoevsky is both social and religious .
26 In most respects it was human in shape , but gigantic in stature , and there seemed nothing of the human being in the way it suddenly paced forward from the trees .
27 If she was President , she 'd be Baberaham Lincoln ’ ) , and Carvey 's Garth Alcar , the ultra-introverted , computer-superliterate second banana , impaled the national consciousness in a way unseen since SNL 's Belushi/Aykroyd/Murray glory days .
28 The present system in no way requires , condones , or restricts the autonomy of the police doctor and of his clinical judgment in terms of investigation and disposal of any of his patients .
29 The trade unions are a problematic force both in and on the uneasy edges of the system of power ; a variety of factors have conspired to produce an upsurge of competing participants and conflicting demands ; elected governments have frequently shown themselves to be weak and vacillating in the face of pressures and problems ; and certain democratic aspects of the British polity have heaped problems on to the capitalist economy in a way that has " crowded out " opportunities for growth .
30 Since the levels of payment in the French Zone de Montagne ( as in Cantal ) are similar to those paid in the bulk of the UK 's LFA , and similar limits on stocking densities for HLCAs exist in the two countries , the absence of a maximum cut-off per farm in the UK is the major difference in the way the HLCA system is implemented in the two countries .
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