Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun] [vb past] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The hooded eyes surveyed her with frank appreciation mingled with amusement .
2 The interim parliament condemned him for acting contrary to the peace process , and for a gross violation of basic human rights ; Johnson had given an undertaking to Sawyer that he would desist from carrying out executions , after previous killings of rebels and civilians .
3 Martial law , in force since the Feb. 23 military coup [ see p. 38003-04 ] , was lifted in most areas of the country on May 3 , although the interim government retained it in 21 sensitive border provinces and districts .
4 It was a proud day for ‘ The Tip ’ when the dawning of the 89/90 season saw us amongst the Multivite/Singletons elite .
5 It is thought that the sound of the approaching steam train and the prevailing gale prevented him from being aware of the electric train 's presence .
6 The highly-athletic Lewis bagged him at 197 , stooping and clutching a low drive .
7 Although the countries of the European Free Trade Association had worked out trade arrangements with the Community , recent decisions of the European Court ruled them to be incompatible with the treaty of Rome .
8 Eva Hendrix started to chatter in her persuasive voice while the uniformed chauffeur drove them into the ancient town of Freiburg .
9 The friendly policeman looked him in the eye .
10 The friendly note invited her to lunch .
11 A year later another poll suggested that 65 per cent of the population of the occupied territories considered him to be insincere and hostile to Palestinian interests .
12 Some or the political personalities saw it as a new political pressure point on the Westminster government .
13 The Buddhist-managed Lakrivikirana divided them into two categories .
14 I did n't lack support ; the Spanish public knew me from the European Indoor .
15 The richest sources exploited today are the mines of Colombia , where the Spanish conquerors encountered them in 1537 .
16 Despite Bob 's protestations that he was staying in the Presidential Suite , was trying to avoid fans , and was actually the ‘ BAWB DYLAN ’ , the callow youth grabbed him by the scruff of his ketchup-stained hooded to and sneered , ‘ Oh yeah , and I 'm the Prime Minister Of Ireland , so I am ’ .
17 There was a a s an Indian student came to and he was a prospective Labour candidate , but the Labour Party prevented him from being a candidate er because er his main theme in life was to try and get India free from you know the British Empire .
18 The self-inflicted pain goaded him into a furious spasm , but as he strained and thrashed against the wicker walls in the darkness all he achieved was the sense that the basket had not yielded a millimetre .
19 It was always cold on Monaghan Day , the traditional day poor farmers sold their winter stock and the rich farmers bought them for fattening .
20 Mr Galloway 's less abrasive contribution on the floor of the conference in support of greater autonomy for the Scottish party brought him into conflict with the Aberdeen North MP , Bob Hughes .
21 When they stepped into the street the damp warmth hit her in the face and the heat of the pavements struck through the thin soles of her shoes so that every step of the way was like treading on hot cinders .
22 Although O'Neill tried to present the case as one of the law simply taking its natural course to deal with illegal disorder , the Free Presbyterians saw it as a deliberate attempt to use the apparatus of the state to suppress true Bible Protestantism .
23 The striking of the half hour alerted me to the incoming tide of darkness .
24 However , resentment from those who had learned the trade through the proper apprenticeship forced him into a debtors ' prison in 1738 .
25 The budget deficit quadrupled in the 1980s , and the public debt followed it into the stratosphere .
26 Seeing that Teclis could not be dissuaded , the High Loremaster gifted him with the War Crown of Saphery and let him go .
27 While the High Authority hailed it as an energy equivalent of the common agricultural policy to which the new Economic Community was committed , the document essentially confirmed the superiority of national interests .
28 The turn of a key in the lock of the brown door stopped him in his tracks .
29 But the ritual was nevertheless a way of protecting the devotional intimacy , whereas the non-liturgical denominations exposed it in a way he would have found offensive .
30 The familiar waste-land of the empty auditorium engulfed him with its seedy , oppressive presence .
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