Example sentences of "the [adv] [adv] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The rubrics in the 1662 Order for the Burial of the Dead only make mention of the ‘ corpse ’ or ‘ body ’ : ‘ The Priest and Clerks , meeting the Corpse at the entrance of the Church-yard … . ’ ;
2 We parked the cars beside the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology 's Experimental Station ( Monks Wood is the most thoroughly researched wood in the country ! ) and changed into our wellingtons .
3 Fenella gasped and felt the sour bitterness of evil magic touching her and remembered that the Stroicim Inchinn was the most strongly forbidden enchantment of all , and that whatever else they were going to be doing here , they were not going to be dealing with forbidden spells .
4 His mother , by contrast , is the most vividly realised character in the book : nervy , flirtatious and selfish , already on her third husband , she thinks primarily of her appearance , even when visiting her dying daughter , Francis 's twin .
5 SPONSORSHIP has become the most hotly debated subject in television .
6 The most hotly debated point concerning Tatarstan 's relationship with Russia described Tatarstan as a sovereign state , a subject of international law , associated with the Russian Federation — Russia — on the basis of a treaty on the mutual delegation of powers .
7 But France , perhaps the most heavily governed nation in early modern Europe , serves to show how lightly bureaucracy weighed upon the population of England .
8 Though it says it still has $1m in the bank , it is currently out for a second round , believed to be in the neighbourhood of $4.5m , which would make it the most heavily backed venture in the field .
9 To require all its new plants to be built to standards that will meet the regulations it can reasonably anticipate in the most environmentally demanding country in which it operates that process .
10 ‘ ICI will require all its new plants to be built to standards that will meet regulations it can reasonably anticipate in the most environmentally demanding country in which it operates that process . ’
11 At the time this was perhaps the most lavishly equipped school of its kind in the UK ( though there were many more lavish examples still in the richer areas of the USA ) but its strength was to be the participation of its library resource centre personnel and the head of resources in the in-service education of the teachers .
12 While 5.5mm is the most widely adopted diameter for arrows , it is by no means the only thickness .
13 This leads us to the most widely adopted material for kite sails , Ripstop Nylon
14 Equally , the UK was bound to lose its leadership in relatively simple labour-intensive industries like textiles ; this is the most widely spread industry in the world ( Dicken , 1986 ) , and a vital element of Third World employment .
15 The Ham & High ( which has covered elections since 1860 ) is the most widely read newspaper in the constituency .
16 I have a 1920 's edition of Wells , published by Collins , which tags him — The most widely read author in the world ’ .
17 The lecture he gave and the responses it provoked form perhaps the most widely read debate in jurisprudence in Britain in the period since the Second World War .
18 The most widely held reason for the decline in Keynesianism was its supposed inability to explain the historically high rates of inflation which occurred in Europe and North America from the late 1960s onwards .
19 Once established as the most widely spoken language in the community , the Creole would soon supersede African languages for most functions except , perhaps , religious ones .
20 The most widely reported feature of his speech was the proposal to repeal a 35-year-old law outlawing the Communist Party of the Philippines — Marxist Leninist ( CPP-ML ) and similar organizations , and to institute a sweeping amnesty .
21 First , the state arguably has the most widely diversified portfolio of any shareholder.8 Hence the state , if anything can , should be classed as risk-neutral .
22 The most widely quoted example of the use of this method is Euclid 's Elements ( c. 300 BC ) i which the author supposedly sought to give a consistent foundation to geometry .
23 Surveys for the Crowther Committee showed that illness was the most frequently stated reason for default , followed closely by unemployment .
24 Mode — This is the most frequently repeated figure in the series .
25 In doing so he reveals the most frequently denied value of humour a defence against the world 's cruel pressures .
26 With telephone lines no sooner laid than torn up by shellfire , and the runner become the sole means of communication at Verdun , the most frequently heard order at any HQ was ‘ send two runners ’ .
27 We , however , found glutathione S-transferase α to be the most frequently expressed form of glutathione S-transferase in colon carcinomas .
28 A medallion design can be anything based around a dominant central form , and is arguably the most frequently encountered scheme in rugs from every producing country , with the exception of the Soviet Union and Afghanistan .
29 The most frequently encountered variation of the boteh is known as the mir or mir-i-boteh design , so named because the village of Mal-e-Mir , in the Serabend district of west central Persia , was renowned for fine quality rugs in this design .
30 The most frequently occurring vowel in English is , which is always associated with weak syllables .
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