Example sentences of "the [noun] were [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 Argument before the House of Lords in B's appeal and the judgments were confined to the certified question .
2 The forms were sent to the Data Preparation Bureau and punched cards produced .
3 The crowd at the Manor were treated to the good , the bad and the ugly side of Oxford United .
4 The accounts were submitted to the Revenue in March 1994 and late submission penalties incurred .
5 The plans were sent to the Governors of the Greenwich Hospital , but they gave him no encouragement .
6 The prisoners were taken to the riverside , where a boat was waiting to take them on to the prison-ship .
7 As larger cars became necessary on the Promenade , some of the ex-conduits were relegated to the short Layton route , opened in 1902 .
8 However , when presently the knights were admitted to the castle , it was to find Moray and the High Steward themselves therein .
9 Dissenting Labour councillor Eddie Dryden refused to support the spending cuts and hit out at the way the proposals were presented to the Labour group prior to the meeting .
10 Having been formalized by a drafting commission , the proposals were resubmitted to the Congress for final approval on April 5 , when 608 votes were cast in favour and 228 against , with 100 abstentions .
11 Once enough money had been raised the bells were taken to the Whitechapel Bell Foundry in London — where one of them was originally cast .
12 Action : If the user were to proceed to the module entry phase , Y DCs would be required for modules in package P. This number of DCs exceeds the LIFESPAN maximum .
13 In Uganda the nationalizations were to extend to the import and export business , although President Milton Obote in his first presidency was ousted by General Amin before being able to implement the programme .
14 Advantage of powering the receiver all the time the vehicle is moving is that , even though the driver is not listening to the receiver , it is continuously being updated by RDS data , in the same way as if the driver were listening to the CD player .
15 The ladders were bracketted to the side of the shaft or to woodwork .
16 Det Chief Insp George Brown , who is leading the police operation , said calls were still coming in after the pictures were released to the press and shown on BBC 's Crimewatch UK .
17 Aquitaine and Provence , once they came into the hands of the Franks , were also divided , but with less concern for geography , and the units were subordinated to the kingdoms of the north .
18 The Walks were forbidden to the villagers and in the final few weeks of pregnancy , Tamar spent much of her time strolling there , in such complete seclusion that she felt cut off from civilisation .
19 When Bonnie Prince Charlie left after a brief visit during his march on England in 1745 , the Earl of Traquair vowed that the resplendent Bear Gates ( the ‘ Steekit Yetts ’ ) should not be opened again until the Stuarts were restored to the throne .
20 The data were fitted to the equation , in which c.p.m .
21 For Behaviouralists , the path to knowledge was via the collection of observable data ; regularities within the data were to lead to the framing and testing of hypotheses , from which theories would be constructed .
22 But the principal purpose of the Forest system was by this time the raising of revenue : in most cases the wardenships were restored to the offenders or their heirs on payment of a fine to the king .
23 The Bosnians were taken to the old terminal , on a little used part of the airport , and then transferred by coach to centres in Surrey , West London and a new centre in Dewsbury , Yorkshire , which took 60 from the latest flight .
24 But since on this occasion the words were dictated to the child it is more likely to be the child 's efforts to repeat the sound to herself and to write down her idea of a phonic equivalent .
25 The brief period of time in which the words were presented to the subject in our experiment , however , limited the kinds of words that could be used as stimuli .
26 The commissioners were to report to the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office , after which any recommended changes in the constitution would be voted upon in the Cayman Islands Legislative Assembly .
27 Those that survived the crash were ferried to the Kent and Canterbury Hospital in a fleet of ambulances .
28 The powers of the GLC were passed to the London Boroughs , except in the cases of services that crossed boundaries , such as the fire services , which are managed under joint boards .
29 Until April 1990 the gardens were closed to the public as indeed they had been since the 50s when the tiny summerhouse through the gates on the right became the residence of President Husák .
30 The proceeds were given to the Croydon branch of the Infantile Paralysis Fellowship , the fare being 5 shillings .
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