Example sentences of "the [noun] and [verb] him [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One takes his net loss from the date of the accident up to the date of the trial and awards him that sum .
2 Still holding the old man 's shirtfront , Ellwood yanked him back to the couch and threw him full length .
3 I contacted the landowner immediately after the inquest to inform him of the result and gave him three coins , one for each of his sons .
4 He grabbed the poor creature by the neck and drew him close , then gazed savagely across at us .
5 The grandparents completely dominated the boy and gave him high levels of attention for his difficult behaviour .
6 He thanked the singer and gave him another sop , which he could ill afford .
7 Neil said : ‘ I chased the robber and tackled him several times .
8 He lost his temper , tied up the dog and shot him 11 times .
9 However , it usually degrades the dog and puts him one class lower when he is judged .
10 I always wrote the replies and told him the news and reassured him that Mum was watching his widow , which it gave her great pleasure to do .
11 … a round shot struck a seaman at one of the guns near them on the breast and laid him dead on the deck , before he had time to utter a groan .
12 His instincts finally rang the bell and told him this man had more than a casual interest in what might be going on downstairs .
13 Swan was flying back and forth right in front of the snorting cloud of smoke , tempting and tantalizing the beast and driving him mad with greed .
14 I went to the sergeant and told him this , but he ordered me to be on my way .
15 It is when she feels compassion , rather than revulsion , for the salamander and kisses him that the spell breaks .
16 His total so far is the highest in the country and puts him thousands ahead in the TFM Radio area .
17 A hand took him by the shoulder and shook him awake , and he started up with a cry , for a moment not knowing where he was or what was happening to him .
18 It is the noise of a foul and loathsome beast which emerges from the tunnel and drags him screaming into the darkness and eats him alive .
19 So the organization kidnapped the prisoner and squeezed him dry .
20 After conferring , the two signalmen decided to try and apprehend the person concerned , and after making sure that the control had been told of the situation and the boxes were safe to leave they walked towards each other , approaching the trespasser from opposite directions , so keeping him in view all the time and affording him little chance of escape .
21 Ratagan was leaning across the table and pouring him some of the dark , malty beer , but he could make no sense out of the big man 's words .
22 His passionate onslaught at the 1985 party conference against the Militants of Merseyside ( whom he accused of hiring taxis to hand out redundancy notices to their workers ) appealed to the unions and gave him new public stature .
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