Example sentences of "the [noun] at the right [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Seizing the opportunity at the right moment , he will link together a series of strikes , probably involving kicks , in an attempt to break through and score points .
2 They knew he was out of the boardroom at the right time .
3 I would not want to rule out closer contacts with the Iranians at the right time .
4 Nowadays , Saint-Jean deals chiefly in the large if unappetizing tuna and the extremely appetizing but , compared with the whale , somewhat trivial catch , of anchovies ; but it is a town that smells very satisfactorily of brine and can be loud with the engines of trawlers if you go down to the harbour at the right moment .
5 I think we made the move at the right time .
6 For instance , should a farmer require some fencing , he knew that Mr. Green would be on the edge of the pavement at the right hand corner of The Market House — a position that Green 's had occupied over generations .
7 The three children went down to the station at the right time , dressed in their best clothes , and the Station Master came to meet them .
8 To do this , tie the line between two canes pushed into the hedge at the right height and angle .
9 ‘ I know that if someone is sent up to Leeds to interview them , the band will meet them off the train at the right time .
10 Could you please remind me about what to do if I forget to take the pill at the right time ?
11 However , every drive has a speed control , so once the pirate knows where the unreadable sectors are , he can duplicate the message at the right speed .
12 The screen changes back to the original main design screen , but this time with the new , empty palette displayed in the box at the right side of the screen .
13 While off medication , both subjects showed high levels of blood flow in anterior regions of the brain at the right side ; with stuttering controlled by haloperidol , the flow of blood was greater in the left hemisphere .
14 The unpredictable English weather meant that delivering the leaves at the right time and at exactly the right stage of development for silkworms to thrive on them was impossible .
15 They had found a witness who confirmed that one of their prime suspects had left the party at the right time to murder Nicola .
16 It was all question of being out on the track at the right moment close to the end of the session when it was drying .
17 This man understands the need to get the product on the market at the right time .
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