Example sentences of "the [noun] go down [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I do n't really understand it but the the apprentice went down in the pit of course and the older man was above and they worked this saw all this sawdust was coming
2 And the prince goes down through the wood to another exit
3 When the dun evening comes the kids go down to the irrigation channels for some bilharzia bathing .
4 Then the boat went down between the waves and she could see only mountains of wild water everywhere .
5 As the sun went down over the trees , everyone in the squadron had enjoyed a hard day 's military training and , after a good dinner and some well-deserved beers , they were very happy and were looking forward to the challenges of the next day .
6 Then the sun went down behind the hill and the whole world became grey and cold .
7 She had anticipated as much when he talked to her about leaving as they watched the sun go down over the Mediterranean during the honeymoon cruise .
8 But what about this : in 1853 , at Trouville , he watched the sun go down over the sea , and declared that it resembled a large disc of redcurrant jam .
9 When I lived in southern France I used to sit out on the porch and watch the sun go down across the valley .
10 Stopping on the lonely road , I watched the sun go down in the trees behind Thornfield , and then in the silence I heard a horse approaching .
11 Or it could be the boy going down through the field and scaring them .
12 What with the doctor going straight out and the deceased going down to the kitchen to thank both staff for a very good meal there was n't time — even if she took it herself , which is unlikely from all I hear . ’
13 She had talked of a sex scene when she was on Wogan , but he assumed it would be something more romantic — a magnolia bud of a tit peeping from beneath bed linen as she held out her arms to her lover and the lights went down at the end of the play .
14 It 's in reasonable repair up to that point , but then it forks , one fork joining the Taverna road again , a short stretch that 's in good shape , and the other going down to the city .
15 She slipped her hand through the crook of his arm once they emerged into the foyer and they walked in silence to the lift to go down to the basement car park .
16 I made a fuss about being first in the queue going down to the car-decks .
17 But will John Major and the Government go down with the sun-Saturn boat or be swept away by the sun-Pluto tidal wave on the 14th ?
18 Mervyn , I suggest you , Eric and the rest of the men go down to the river .
19 As the coal went down over the winter months , these boards would be taken away to lower the height .
20 As the hands go down to the floor , the right knee is cocked up near the right shoulder .
21 And I told you about the garden going down to the river , did n't I ? ’
22 Misumenops nepenthicola , a spider , lives there and captures flies ; if these are distasteful they are ( sometimes ) thrown back into the pitcher ; if disturbed , the spider goes down into the liquid on a thread , its armour and a bubble of air making it immune to the digestive juices there .
23 Yesterday a fuse blew and all the screens went down in the middle of the show .
24 For a second the boat began to turn on its side , then the oars went down into the water and the boat came down the side of the wave .
25 Just a spoonful of sugar of sugar makes the medicine go down in the most delightful way !
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