Example sentences of "the [noun] go on [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 The talk went on and the fruit tray became a pile of peelings , the cottage cheese bowl emptied and all was removed .
2 The bonanza went on until the church thought enough was enough and so on a Sunday evening in August , a concerted effort was made and strong sermons were preached from every pulpit against bee wine and its evil effects .
3 The work went on until the last marcher had been patched up .
4 So the funeral went on and the person was lowered into the grave that had been dug and the grave digger was asked to stay behind and they quickly got it put where it should be .
5 I I was also thinking o of Veestol and and er the weapons going on and the mistakes anyway on on the developing a harrier replacement , is the R A F still interested in that as a feature a short take-off vertical take-off ?
6 His thoughts sway constantly between the desire to go on and the desire to settle down for a relaxed evening with a book in the secure knowledge that he wo n't have to go on .
7 And yet , as the evening went on and the moon rose and the wine went down , new candles , another log for the fire , shadows swaying on the walls , she seemed to become to him what Catherine was to George .
8 The steepening of the lee slope by accumulation at the top goes on until the angle of rest of the material is exceeded ( AB on Fig. 11.6c ) , when shearing takes place along a slightly less steep surface ( CD on Fig. 11.6c ) .
9 As the debate goes on and the political parties bid for votes and support , Leila , Fatima and Samira are still confined to the library .
10 The sun goes down , the racing goes on and the keenest fans keep watching .
11 Sometimes bad things hung on so it was possible to remember an outing as the day the car broke down rather than the day there was a barbecue on the beach and the party went on until the tide came in .
12 It was quite painful , especially as the time went on and the contractions were coming closer together .
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