Example sentences of "the [noun] be [prep] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 As in the case of parent-child relationships we find here that one-way flows of support can not only be tolerated , but also in a sense are expected , provided the direction of the support is from grandparent to grandchild .
2 Revaluation , while cutting the cost of living for workers as the price of imported goods fell , would reduce their ability to compete profitably abroad , especially in the American market if the revaluation was with respect to the dollar .
3 But now the struggle is for methodology to really be geared towards stimulating intellectual development and problem solving .
4 There is also a four-vector force F defined by using the relativistic equivalent of Newton 's second law of motion where we note that the differentiation is with respect to the proper τ time which is a Lorentz scalar .
5 The donation is in response to Cambodia 's request for help in restoring its shattered agriculture and reflects the Cambodian government 's desire to make the country self-sufficient in food as quickly as possible , but experts fear any short-term benefits will be outweighed by long-term damage .
6 Such notes are usually signed by the buyer 's warehouse staff , who are not necessarily part of the buyer 's purchasing department , and may have no idea of what the requirement under the contract is in relation to the goods .
7 The curious , at times seemingly perverse , ambiguity in which the terms of the contract are from time to time expressed is an added reason why no one who has to wrestle with the problems which abound in this area should fail to arm himself with this book .
8 Will the experience be of value to nurse education in its widest context ?
9 Be that as it may , the difficulty was in relation to the government and possible action to prevent publication on a number of grounds , including a prosecution under the Official Secrets Act .
10 The settlement is in addition to the much larger sums " a total of 1.3 billion francs " which Amoco finally agreed to pay the French state and local authorities after a 14-year legal battle in the US courts .
11 He thought it fortunate that improvements in male characteristics were passed on in some measure to women , otherwise the man would have become as superior in mental endowment to women as the peacock is in plumage to the peahen .
12 The course is of relevance to those concerned with the gender dimension of inequality in Western and Third World societies .
13 142 ( 2 ) The obligation under a condition or of a covenant entered into by a lessor with reference to the subject-matter of the lease shall , if and as far as the lessor has power to bind the reversionary estate immediately expectant on the term granted by the lease , be annexed and incident to and shall go with that reversionary estate , or the several parts thereof , notwithstanding severance of that reversionary estate , and may be taken advantage of and enforced by the person in whom the term is from time to time vested by conveyance , devolution in law , or otherwise ; and , if and as far as the lessor has power to bind the person from time to time entitled to that reversionary estate , the obligation aforesaid may be taken advantage of and enforced against any person so entitled .
14 The aid was in addition to grants of US$553,400,000 announced earlier in the month .
15 The humanity and realism expressed in the faces and attitudes of the figures which decorate the doorway are in contrast to the stylised figures of the earlier Romanesque carvings .
16 The deal is worth $5m to NetLabs .
17 The guidelines are in response to what BAAF claims is overwhelming evidence that babies and children with respiratory illnesses are particularly at risk from passive smoking .
18 The plan is for SMG to be floated publicly within five years to raise £20m needed for improvements necessary to keep Silverstone as a Formula One Grand Prix track .
19 The Quintet is in homage to Alexander Pushkin .
20 The next stage of the exercise is in fact to er , put together a financial profile er , identifying A , how er , a shift of resources er , can be achieved or identifying what additional er , resources are needed .
21 The question is of course to the Bill .
22 The move is in response to the strengthening of central controls .
23 The move is in addition to £200,000 earmarked to QUEST ( Quality and Upgrading Environmental Strategy Towyn ) by Welsh Secretary David Hunt last year .
24 Namaliu claimed that the landing was in response to requests from local chiefs and village leaders , who feared for their safety following a spate of executions carried out by the BRA .
25 The aim was for Skipper to be on the bridle , as racing people say : walking in a relaxed but energetic rhythm and accepting the bit .
26 Meanwhile , rather than trading figures , the need is for openness to the idea .
27 The announcement was in response to the enormous oil spill off the southern tip of the Shetland Islands : eleven million tons of oil destined for western European countries passes through the Venetian Lagoon each year , bound for the port of Marghera .
28 Once the railway company and the engineers had decreed where the station was in fact to be located , particularly the larger divisional points , 120–140 miles apart , towns were laid out on the traditional grid-plan .
29 He would not have disagreed either with the implications about the unfairness of Providence ; we should note that a recurrent prospect in The Lord of the Rings is for Frodo to be taken by Sauron and tormented till he too goes ‘ under the shadow ’ , becomes a petty ‘ wraith ’ himself , worn out by addiction and privation and torture and fear to a state of nothingness like that of ‘ the haggard king ’ of Minas Morgul .
30 The procedure is by application to the sheriff for an order granting the alternative permitted hours on weekdays or Sundays or both .
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