Example sentences of "the [noun] [v-ing] at [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Send for Copping [ the dealer ] ; he 's just across the field alooking at that harrow , ’ said the farmer .
2 The main beds of the Silver Knitmaster , Brother and Toyota machines are designed to knit with the knitting hanging at right angles to the machine .
3 Since the swells were still partially coming over the reef and the wind holding at 15–20 knots , we also set the CQR down once again and streamed out 120ft ( 36m ) of ⅜″ chain : at least it would provide additional weight on the bottom , and should we drag we would hear the chain scraping over the rocks .
4 That should be less of a problem in the cup-tie atmosphere of Stamford Bridge , but £1.5 million Johnston and Serbian import Preki have still been banished to the reserves playing at lowly Mansfield .
5 From then on , anything that loiters in front of the entrance runs a risk of being knocked flying by the owner of the den exiting at high speed .
6 There 's that one of the man and the woman in the boat smiling at each other .
7 With the scum playing at high flying Newcastle , a win could possibly move us to within single digit points range of the scum whose fans incidently are becoming more insufferable with every day that passes .
8 So far as the latter are concerned it is evident that the movements aiming at national unification or national independence in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries have arisen in circumstances very different from those which prevailed when the first nation states were created .
9 Reports from the clergy in some of the affected dioceses show that they were perplexed by the variety and number of the movements emerging at this time .
10 There was a series of press reports following the implementation of the Act hinting at large increases in referrals for statements .
11 The 1947 Press Commission had already pointed it out — but the proportion sharing at that time was only one-fifth .
12 Windy conditions did n't stop the fish feeding at Long Load drainage channel at Martock in Somerset , as Matthew Lee discovered when he tempted a 5 lb 4 oz bream from the venue .
13 What stance is the opponent using at any time ?
14 I mostly stood on the sidelines , watching the heavy-weights raging at each other .
15 The noise in the taproom stilled for a moment , even the farmers in the corner drunkenly arguing about the price of wheat ; two harridans from the town shrieking at each other over an upturned barrel ; and a group of young bloods , garishly dressed in costly silks , noisily roistering before a night out on the town .
16 He did n't even try to kiss her , which was very noticeable , as they spent most of the evening staring at each other , feeling electricity crackle between them every time they accidentally touched , and , by the time Rachel left , her stomach was clenched in a knot of intolerable excitement .
17 His place was taken by promoting Tony Newton , who was already in charge of the group looking at supplementary benefit .
18 Originally it was thought to give better protection to the crew ejecting at high speed and provide them with a ‘ shirt-sleeve ’ environment .
19 First , the sight of one of the huntsmen galloping at full speed up the drive , over the bridge and in through the ornamental gates , throwing himself off his still cantering horse , and running into the house through one of the entrances below the main staircase .
20 ‘ We 'll have the pair of you spending the day waving at each other from railway trains at this rate .
21 At successively' shorter wavelengths , IRAS sees clouds that have broken up into smaller and warmer cloudlets — as theory predicts — and the sources shining at 10 micrometres have probably completed the process and have just become stars , shining by their interior nuclear reactions .
22 And we commence this morning with Lot number one Lot number one is showing to my right here , the ivory carving at fifty pounds at fifty pounds at fifty pounds you want it for fifty pounds , thank you sir , fifty I 've got now , fifty pounds is offered at fifty five at fifty five , sixty , sixty five seventy , seventy five eighty five ninety ninety pounds in the back row at ninety and selling for ninety pounds , any further bids at ninety pounds at ninety pounds .
23 In the game beginning at that time , which is a proper subgame of the original game , it is not in the best interest of the non-deviating firm actually to minimax the other .
24 The transitions occurring at lower temperatures ( transitions are commonly labelled , , — , and so on , starting at the highest temperature ) have been assigned to the " freezing-in " of specific parts of the main or subsidiary chains such as the pendant phenyl groups in the polymer .
25 The formal presentation of the reshuffled Cabinet was cancelled , however , after a boycott by members of the CSR protesting at curtailed discussion of a parliamentary commission 's report implicating two Cabinet ministers in a previous failed coup attempt .
26 In Leningrad 's crowded streets a tram or bus ride is a virtual eyeball-to-eyeball body massage with the natives , while on the Metro , with the escalators descending at breakneck speed , there is little chance of a retreat and no toilets .
27 The village green was oval shaped , with the road entering at one end and houses along one side , with a large chateau , a farm and a row of houses on the other side .
28 Land sold at auction may have a reserve price and the site will only be sold when bidding reaches the reserve , the auctioneer advising at that point that the site is ’ in the market ’ .
29 When the subject standing at 6 metres from the chart can read the 6m letters , his sight is recorded as 6/6 , the upper figure denoting the distance from the chart , and the lower figure indicating the size of the line that has been read .
30 To understand the processes occurring at high Rayleigh number , it is helpful to look at the mean temperature distribution across the layer .
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