Example sentences of "the [noun] [v-ing] [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Hundreds gather on the platforms at Hof station , Bavaria , holding sheets of paper with names aloft on sticks , anxiously scanning the faces of the crowds pouring out of the trains , just as Germans did when millions fled before the advancing Russians or the avenging Poles and Czechs at the end of the war .
2 Seven minutes is what it takes me at this time in the evening ; eight , sometimes nine , coming the opposite way in the morning , to allow for waits at the two pedestrian crossings and the crowds coming out of the station .
3 As she walked down the crazy-pavement paths to the lily pond , Constance was struck by the blackbirds hopping around in the sun .
4 Out of the front window he saw the ‘ For Sale ’ sign , the white paint of the board showing up in the light that shone from between the curtains of Tom 's cottage .
5 An inefficient management must either improve its performance , or face the consequences of the shareholders selling out to an alternative managerial team .
6 The measure of 1932 , which marked profoundly the discussions leading up to the Act of 1944 , was bitterly resisted ( especially in Wales ) and led the president of the Board of Education to argue in the Commons that secondary education should be reserved for ‘ selected children , the gifted and the intellectual ’ from whom ‘ we expect leaders of industry and commerce in the coming generation ’ .
7 It seems to have been assumed throughout the discussions leading up to the signature of the Convention that the use of the postal channel was indeed a mode of service , of notification .
8 I spent the morning sitting on the floor and the afternoon standing up at the shelf .
9 Only the money pouring in by every post seriously concerned her .
10 I have heard that even if they lose 15 per cent of the money coming in at the moment , some of them could fold .
11 Each year , the whole of the money coming in from the world A.P.F .
12 The erm the views coming back from the consultant were obviously er so follow occasions but not dramatically so .
13 The data allow the medical school greater control over the teaching going on in the hospitals .
14 But it gave her a clear view into the houses backing on to the tracks , the private mess usually tidied out of sight , the outside lavatories with unhinged doors , the laundry racks flimsy as the skeleton of a bird 's wing , with trousers and underwear like broken feathers hanging ; a burst , sodden mattress .
15 Craig Grenfell stood on the hilltop looking down at the scene in the graveyard below .
16 You could see the prisoners looking back at the two bodies in the centre of the carnage ; there was a lot of blood now , spreading in pools .
17 Most will be the former , with the cable running out from the fuseway in the consumer unit to supply a number of socket outlets on the ring , and then returning to the same fuseway .
18 It is not good practice simply to leave the cable poking out of the wall , and many wall light fittings will not have space in their backing plate to make the connections .
19 Crossing the bridge , look back at the romantic view of the palaces backing on to the canal .
20 That evidence will surely mount if Mr Hurd fails to cause to be reviewed the convictions in the cases arising out of the Birmingham and Guildford bombings , bombings whose victims should not be allowed to include anyone wrongfully imprisoned for them .
21 I would n't be so stupid as to pretend to have any idea what Claudia was going through during the hours leading up to the birth .
22 ‘ Presumably they must have to pay for all the preparation leading up to an operation of this sort , and pay the staff who are waiting around .
23 You can now stand the garter bar upright in the needle groove of your ribber , with the knitting hanging down between the ribber and the knitter .
24 Finding the courtyard full , latecomers were taking up their stations in perfectly straight ranks first on the steps , then in the roads leading up to the mosque , then out in the gardens and bazaars beyond .
25 And there is the lane dropping down to the stone bridge that was rebuilt in 1948 , but unquestionably on the site of the stone bridge which is mentioned as a landmark in an even earlier charter .
26 I left Bainbridge by the lane leading out of the village from the Post Office .
27 A row of thatched cottages is strung along the lane coming up from the sea and opens into a forecourt in the front and at the eastern side of the house .
28 The light from a standard lamp caught the hair bubbling up through the open neck of his shirt and on the backs of his arms .
29 She thinks about the structure of Disraeli 's Sybil : or , the Two Nations ( 1845 ) , until the sound of the Guardian dropping on to the doormat sends her scurrying to the front door . )
30 Place your hands gently over the eyes , the heels of your hands creating the darkness , with the fingers extending down over the temples .
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