Example sentences of "the [noun] [vb base] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , the activities have a variable delay imposed during their execution to minimise the adverse effect on interactive users of LIFESPAN .
2 In general many beeches , particularly those on the western edge of the Park show a general lack of vitality …
3 The Acts include a general clause which says that the corporation should keep proper accounting records and should present its accounts in a form laid down by the relevant Secretary of State .
4 Half of the total expenditure on social security is on retirement pensions and , apart from 5 per cent of the retired men , the remainder receive a full pension .
5 The Fellowships have a primary end in themselves in providing the route to sustained abstinence from mood-altering substances and behaviours .
6 Self-interest plays a part but the clubs have a strong case when they argue that if they are to be the mentors to the young , society must help to foot the bill .
7 For example , the real spending of a department or service might be the same under whatever system of accounting is adopted but in a given year , using cash accounting , the cash payments could be postponed by as little as 24 hours so that the accounts record a lower figure .
8 Where areas have their own separate currencies , the forces revealed in the accounts have a vital bearing on the prospects for exchange rates ; where there are not separate currencies these same forces have a bearing on the prospects for the real economy , including unemployment .
9 The institutions have an evident interest in maintaining professional standards , possibly backed by quality assurance , while competition also demands continuing development .
10 Whereas the Highlands have a low population density , and a short growing season , southern Italy has a relatively high population density ( despite a century of outmigration ) relative to available cultivatable land .
11 Accordingly , the board recommend a final dividend of 0.75p which , together with the interim dividend already paid , gives a total dividend payable for the year of 1.50p .
12 En route , the slavers make an early sale when Ian and two other prisoners are bought by the master of a galley ship .
13 The grouse turn a nice shade of red and fall from the sky but the halt in the action when the trigger is pulled is very noticeable .
14 The Super Sportster Z had won every race it entered and the shareholders go a good dividend .
15 The interests of the shareholders become an objective standard to govern the actions of the directors .
16 In either event , it is argued that the residual rights of the shareholders create an appropriate incentive for them to activate the relevant disciplinary mechanisms .
17 The shareholders enjoy an additional layer of protection with regard to gratuitous payments , in that in order to show that a payment is authorised by the company 's memorandum it will usually be necessary to establish that it is reasonably incidental to the company 's business purposes , in essence , that it is for the company 's benefit , which is an objective question .
18 This doctrine appears in an altered form in the Preface to Lyrical Ballads where Wordsworth tells us that he had written about ‘ low and rustic life … because in that situation the essential passions of the heart find a better soil in which they can attain their maturity ’ .
19 This is supported by Wordsworth 's defence of his choice of the common people as subject matter — ‘ Low and rustic life was generally chosen , because in that condition the essential passions of the heart find a better soil in which they can attain their maturity … ’
20 The annual presentation of awards ceremony during the afternoon say a good turnout of supporters and distinguished guests in the Festival Hall .
21 The kittens tolerate a certain amount of this before deciding that enough is enough .
22 my Lord another factual situation which I 'll simply referred to is the er on going debate in European commission or cases relating to up stream fuel , er , where there 's very little trade , erm for technical reasons because of the isolation of the United Kingdom , however the commission has searched jurisdiction over restricted competition in the market because the fuels have a direct impact upon product , erm from production costs , product down stream of which there is trade
23 Although urban dwellers troop out to the countryside at the first available opportunity and nature plays a significant part in Japanese sentiment , the cultural and other attractions of the cities have a magnetizing effect in an era which has produced a strong emphasis on material rather than spiritual wealth .
24 This has meant that many enthusiasts for computing in the humanities have an uncomfortable sense of crisis , a feeling of promise unfulfilled .
25 The Merseysiders face a searching examination at Leeds with Souness admitting : ‘ We 've still got things to sort out . ’
26 We have already seen that when the courts deem a statutory term to be jurisdictional , whether it be a question of law or fact , they will substitute their view as to the meaning of the term for that of the decision-maker .
27 If so , and if the different meanings leave more or less scope for the award of judicial remedies , then the courts have a limited power to give effect to their view of the importance of judicial control of government .
28 In the United States the courts exercise a good deal of influence quite independently of the other branches of government .
29 to other things , we 've kind of veered of the , one of the subjects that we were er , we did get onto which was how the police and the courts er handle er well victims and indeed criminals , I wonder if I might conflate erm both those groups into one question , its a very broad question , but I wonder if you think by and large the police do a good job , erm button one for yes and button two for no , erm and the majority here say yes , seventy seventy people say yes the , the police do a good job and since we 've talked about the courts do you think the courts do a good job by and large ? , we 've been talking specifically about erm some of the more bizarre erm statements that have come from the bench , particularly in with reference to crimes erm , that have treated against women , well now , seventy nine say no , so the police comes thumbs up , but the courts are way down , now not surprisingly there are n't many representatives from the courts er amongst this hundred
30 Here I must emphasize that , although social anthropologists in the field concentrate a great deal of their attention on day-to-day domestic relationships , it is not really the set of domestic relationships as such which is their ultimate focus of interest .
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