Example sentences of "the [noun] [noun prp] had [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 While his father was still alive , the Prince Regent had married secretly a Roman Catholic widow , Maria Fitzherbert , but as it was without his father 's consent , it was contrary to the Royal Marriage Act of 1772 , so in 1795 , he married his cousin , Caroline of Brunswick , and a daughter was born , Princess Charlotte , but George IV and Caroline grew to loathe one another , so from 1796 they lived apart .
2 By the end of the struggle France had lost almost every single colonial possession she had , so that French imperial history had to begin all over again in the nineteenth century , but nobody in 1690 could have guessed at such a result .
3 Like The Fabulous Baker Boys , the King Brothers had broken up as much because they 'd ‘ had it up to here ’ as because of the ominous advent of ‘ the group ’ .
4 Capricious and Lothian , two of the flotilla 's escort frigates , swung at their buoys , which could only mean that the Jan Mayen had gone out to bring the submarine in .
5 Her parents did not know which guest house among the thousands in the resort Nicola had stayed in .
6 And suddenly , true to the route Ursula had picked out on the map , they reached the crest and saw Maurice 's car , parked at the far end of the lay-by where he had been told to wait , maroon and solitary against the pale expanse of chalk-smeared turf .
7 A tiny part of her wanted to confront him with what he 'd done ; yet she knew she could n't do it , could n't bear looking into his sea-blue eyes , or at the lips which had kissed her so tenderly the night before , only to laugh with Marianne today as he shared with her the secrets Shannon had confided so trustingly — so blindly !
8 It appeared that the roof Billy had fallen off was in one Coroner 's jurisdiction , but where he 'd landed was in another 's .
9 In pursuit of the action Campbell had caught about 80 of the creatures on a piece of sticky tape and then forwarded them to a zoologist .
10 Circumstances had greatly changed : the Elector Palatine had become also Elector of Bavaria the previous year , and had removed himself and his court — including the orchestra and singers , the Weber family too — to Munich .
11 There was great disappointment when the Government decided to choose Glasgow as the preferred option , in spite of the deal Chester had put together .
12 Of Callejas 's new Cabinet , also sworn in on Jan. 27 , Benjamin Villanueva Tábora was Economy and Commerce Minister in 1977-79 and Finance Minister in 1981 ; Ramón Medina Luna had been a Deputy Economy Minister ; Manlio Martínez had served on a previous occasion as Planning Minister ; Col. Francisco Zepeda Andino had served as Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force ; and Rodolfo Rosales Abella of the opposition PLH had served briefly as Labour Minister in the last few months of the presidency of José Simeon Azcona .
13 I knew the huts Barrymore had spoken about .
14 THEY were the words Diana had waited desperately to hear .
15 On the coach Geoffrey had stared morosely out of the window ; now he stormed along the wing with ferocious determination .
16 On his earlier journey across the mountains Giles had looked out for landmarks — a waterfall , an old tree , a small lake .
17 Irrigation and agricultural policies — especially for the Soviet cotton industry — meant that the water level in the Aral Sea had fallen by over 14 metres over the last 30 years .
18 Sea level rose and by the end of the period the North Sea had reached approximately its present extent though it did not affect the Fenland .
19 Some like Sunday long ago , the child Simon had crept up to his Indian step-grandmother when she was asleep in the same wheelchair and thrown a blanket over her , shouting that she was a canary in a cage .
20 The moment Owen had come in , however , he had waylaid him and taken him off behind the potted palms .
21 In the two days since the men had been gone the girls had become close friends , beginning from the moment Joanna had knocked timidly on the solar door soon after Guy had left .
22 The goods to he sold had been piled up on the stairs where once " the possessions " had been piled ; bottles of jam and honey , heaps of hermetically sealed provisions , bottles of wine , cakes of chocolate pliable with the heat , tins of biscuits and even a few mouldy hams had been stacked against the splintered stumps which were all that now remained of the banisters Fleury had found so elegant the first evening he had entered the Residency .
23 Only in the room Sally had chosen especially for her was Harriet amongst familiar echoes of the past and she never entered it without feeling a wave of gratitude towards her aunt .
24 At the funeral Duncan had stood apart from the rest of the family .
25 He said that before the war Japan had built up a large international textile trade , part of which in his view , was legitimate and part illegitimate .
26 Paul Hardyman ( full back ) : A few months ago Hardyman was down in the dumps Sunderland had shelled out £350,000 for another left back , Anton Rogan , and his days at Roker looked numbered .
27 Spreading the oilskins out on the floor , she wiped them off , finishing the process with the towel Nathan had tossed on to the worktop .
28 Delegates from the United States had lobbied hard for the ICIFI to be affiliated .
29 It would therefore have followed civilized custom if the government of the United States had sought both to relieve the burden of the disaster on all those affected by it and to pursue and punish those responsible .
30 Japan 's exports to the United States had totalled more than US$100,000 million in 1989 , against imports of some $50,000 million , and popular pressure was mounting in the USA to list Japan among the countries applying " structural impediments " within the definition of the " Super 301 " clause of the 1988 Omnibus Trade Act [ see pp. 36925-26 ] ; the clause , if invoked , would have entailed trade sanctions unless Japan agreed to changes within 12 months of its listing .
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