Example sentences of "the [noun] [prep] [verb] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 Having the added bonus of a symbiosis with Richard Martin , but with the advantage of handling the first few episodes himself , Barry 's memory is of an intensely creative period in the weeks before his first studio session on ‘ The Daleks ’ .
2 The responsibility for drawing the first furrow on a narrow stetch was one the head horseman could not afford to delegate , unless it was to a man equally skilled as himself ; for a stetch that did not come out , at every point , exactly to the inch would render ineffective the use of implements that had been designed specially for it ; again , a botched stetch was visible to all — to the casual passer-by and to the practised eye of his neighbour ; and the ‘ loss of face ’ a head horseman suffered through allowing the standard of his own work to be below that of the next farm 's was enough to make him ensure that every field was laid out and ploughed with as much care as patience and long-practised skill made possible .
3 When he returned to Oxford in 1773 it was with the intention of claiming the first suitable benefice in the gift of New College to become vacant .
4 Maginn spent the rest of his life as a dedicated missioner in Belfast , where in 1888 he had the pleasure of becoming the first superintendent of the Mission Hall for the Adult Deaf and Dumb which was opened that year by Miss Wilhelmina Frederick .
5 The honour of establishing the first postwar economic arrangement belongs to Benelux , a grouping of Belgium , the Netherlands and Luxembourg .
6 The honour of making the first speech may go to the best speaker or the best friend , providing your choice keeps as many people as possible happy !
7 For the players of Torpedo Moscow will not only be fighting for the honour of becoming the first side to beat Manchester United in a European tie at Old Trafford .
8 SUE HOLWELL , the England sweeper , had the honour of scoring the first goal in the Women 's Typhoo National League when it got underway on Saturday .
9 Organising your essay in advance changes the process of writing a first paragraph .
10 Run the repeats at a steady tempo but , as with the hill repeats , build into the workout by running the first a little easier than the rest .
11 CICS for OS/2 is not the only ‘ middleware ’ that IBM was touting at the end of March ; the company continued the theme by unveiling the first implementations of its Message Queue Interface , dubbed the MQSeries , and said that it will try to promote them as a cross-system standard .
12 The plenum won a labour amnesty for employees sacked by the nationalists after the civil war , and took the lead in negotiating the first collective agreement in 1976 .
13 He had been expelled from grammar school at the age of sixteen , manufactured tie-dye T-shirts , and then worked in the refreshment kiosk in the monkey-house at London Zoo , where he had the distinction of organising the first strike ( of staff , not animals ) in the zoo 's history .
14 Defender also had the distinction of having the first woman finisher , Mandy Gallow .
15 One , however , qualified for the distinction of making the first electrical recording to be sold to the public .
16 He lost , thereby achieving the distinction of becoming the first person in history who could be proved to have failed his degree .
17 The facility of incurring the first obligation became a temptation to a second .
18 Apart from being awkward , the Arabic version also distorts the information structure of the original by presenting the first element ( ‘ general picture ’ ) as given when the point of the cleft structure is to present it as the new information worth attending to .
19 Pliant editors were rewarded with knighthoods , and the Sun 's owner , Rupert Murdoch , was granted a licence to strike at the BBC by establishing the first satellite station , Sky TV .
20 It was apparently difficult to see if Ruffini 's proof was complete and despite a further attempt by him at the problem , in 1813 , the credit for supplying the first generally accepted proof of impossibility goes to Abel ( pronounced " Arbel " ) in 1824 .
21 In the fourth frame of their third-round match , Wattana was on course for a maximum but missed the 12th black with the rest after potting the first 12 reds and 11 blacks .
22 With the greatest respect to Rumbelows , and the 76,000 packed inside Wembley , United hope that their success yesterday will soon be dwarfed by the achievement of lifting the First Division title for the first time since 1967 .
23 He has won a day for himself and a companion at Doncaster Races on March 19 the opening meeting of the Flat by providing the first correct entry opened in our recent racing competition .
24 Couples 's task was made all the easier by a sad collapse of Craig Parry , who had led after three rounds but flinched , it seemed , from the prospect of becoming the first Australian to win the Masters .
25 That is , the probability of obtaining a word string , W , is given by the probability of finding the first word , w1 , multiplied by the probability of finding the second word , w2 , given w1 etc. , multiplied by the probability of finding the last word , wn , given that all of the previous words were found .
26 Wang played a major role behind the scenes in purging the first two of Deng 's chosen successors : Hu Yaobang , who lost his job as Communist Party General Secretary in 1987 , and Zhao Ziyang , thrown out of the party 's top job in 1989 after student-led pro-democracy demonstrations were crushed by the army .
27 Klaasen 's contention that ‘ the only integration that has gone on so far has been among the top officials ’ seemed to be borne out by the fact that we had to wait for the penultimate game of the tours to seen the first nonwhite player take the field .
28 With the conference appearing doomed to collapse over the issue of the fifth freedom , Canada made a last-ditch effort to save the situation by proposing the first four freedoms , and one weekly round-trip flight that could be increased under an escalator clause of 65 per cent capacity and over .
29 The development of its taste for small water creatures as a main ingredient in its omnivorous diet may be similar to the trend that occurred in our own ancient ancestors during the intermediate stage on the way to becoming the first hunting primates .
30 With a major breakthrough in America beckoning , they look well on the way to becoming the first stadium techno band .
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