Example sentences of "the [noun] [conj] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Laboratory tests have shown that the rates of oxygen uptake and amounts of muscle effort that volunteers could develop tend to be greater in the daytime than at the night .
2 Our detailed knowledge of the site 's later history is largely dependent upon the excavations across the defences and at the west gate .
3 There 's also some new kind of rubberised surface by the swings and at the end of the slide .
4 Most observers believed that south Korea would eventually be unified by north Korea with the support or at the instigation of the Soviet Union .
5 At the start of the trial and at the end of each stage patients were weighed and full biochemical blood screens , including plasma renin activity , were carried out .
6 Contrary to one popular view , it is not the case that at the Kalmar plant each group of workers builds up a complete car from a box of component parts .
7 you see Lord is here very splendidly to argue the case and at the moment I 'd like you to address the question , I 'll ask it again , the question is , I think it 's a simple one , it follows from your answer about why the brochures had to be updated , but when there was a time when they were not updated before nineteen eighty nine , there was a risk was n't there that with the brochures printing service charges towards the end of the sales period someone might have been mislead by the brochure ? that 's right is n't it ?
8 The monitoring will be applied at either the commencement of the case or at the point where it becomes defended , and will require notice of the defendant 's intention to defend .
9 It 'll be be much more straightforward when they 've got the whole thing on the computer but at the moment it 's a transitional phase .
10 ‘ failed to accord precedence to a foot passenger on the carriageway ’ This point means that the offending driver did not stop at or before the ‘ give-way ’ line , where provided , which is one metre from the limits of the crossing or at the limits to accord precedence .
11 This page and View from City Road , page 33 Pay rises : Two surveys show that pay is rising faster at the top end of the scales than at the bottom .
12 Yes , I wanted to emphasise the way some men feel constrain before , not because I want to suggest it 's now becoming a problem for men and we should be worrying about them , but because you asked what prospects there were for doing something about it and I think if something 's to be done about it , and it 's a problem of everyone devising new standards of behaviour , it 's very important that quite large numbers of men should be prepared to play a part in trying to work out what these standards should be , and there is quite substantial interest in trying to do that , both at the level of the teaching staff at the university and at the level of the undergraduates .
13 There is also the story that at the beginning of the century a person used this lean-to to make sulphur matches which he sold locally .
14 Media influence on perceptions is likely to depend upon whether they are at the pure perception end of the spectrum or at the margin between perceptions and attitudes .
15 That he has used his linguistic skills to make such a protest , where before he has been content merely with linguistic cleverness , marks an important development in his character and it leaves the reader with a distinctly more favourable impression of him at the end of the play than at the beginning .
16 Students who show evidence of sufficient merit may on completion of the course and at the discretion of the Course Committee be given the opportunity of transferring to the second year of an appropriate degree programme within the Faculty .
17 LADY JONES : And I beg to be at the wedding and at the ball afterwards .
18 The answer is that he can maintain the action if at the time of the defendant 's act he had ( a ) ownership and possession of the goods , or ( b ) possession of them ; or ( c ) an immediate right to possess them , but without either ownership or actual possession .
19 If you change now , Leicestershire has a golden opportunity , we are proud of the fox , we are proud of the fox in Leicestershire , our football team , the Foxes , our , our fox cubs our Police emblem , it is n't the hunters , we do n't support the hunters at Leicester 's Street , we support the foxes and at the end of the day I think there is room for the hunting fraternity to stay as part of the pageantry in Leicestershire .
20 She had then bleached his hair along the side and at the temples … and the results , as she had promised , added ten years and more to his age .
21 Part of the beauty of this revolution was the recognition that at the level of genes and proteins the mechanisms used by all animals are almost universal .
22 The East India Company later gained a monopoly to deal with the North Americans , but resentment caused the colonists to rebel against the traders and at the Boston Tea Party , the shipment of tea was thrown into the harbour by the rebels .
23 Additional patches are therefore needed on the shoulders or at the top of the arms .
24 Each patient had a complete blood examination , multiple biochemical analysis of plasma , and EKG on recruitment into the study and at the end of each phase of the study .
25 The following symptoms were assessed by questionnaire on entry into the study and at the end of each phase of the study : ( i ) nausea , ( ii ) vomiting , ( iii ) abdominal pain , ( iv ) frequency of bowel actions ( number of bowel actions per weeks ) and stool consistency ( hard formed , soft formed , loose or watery ) .
26 This would clearly be unfair on the defendant because at the end of the period of the dependency the whole of the capital sum would remain .
27 After Peter Scudamore had schooled Freddie Starr 's gelding yesterday , Pipe said : ‘ I was pleased with the horse and at the moment the odds are 60-40 in favour of him running .
28 The police , having interviewed working colleagues of the victim at the London Docks , had elicited information to the effect that at the end of his shift he met two men outside the gates and said he was going for a drink with them .
29 A SHROUD , is composed of a peculiar kind of flannel , woven on purpose , and called shrouding flannel ; it is made of a breadth and a half , full length , so as to cover the feet ; one seam is sewed up , leaving the other open behind , like a pinafore ; slits are cut for arm-holes , and plain long sleeves , without gussets set in ; the front is gathered at the waist , and drawn up into a narrow piece ; this is twice repeated , at intervals of three nails down the skirt , upon each of these gatherings , round the neck and at the wrists , a kind of border of the same flannel , punched at the edge in a pattern , is plaited , and an edging of the same is made at the bottom .
30 Once or twice I caught the N.C.O. staring at me with an expression of hate and disgust but he never maintained it when I stared back , and would look suddenly out of the window or at the papers in the portfolio he was carrying .
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