Example sentences of "the [noun] [verb] him of [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Drowning the typewriter reminded him of what he had done to the remains of Ivor Newley .
2 As we tunnelled our way through the steep rhododendron-canopied paths at Aros , Alistair said the rain , the humidity and the terrain reminded him of his ‘ spell in Assam during the War .
3 If he hangs badly towards home or the other horses , he may need a kick or a smart smack with the whip to remind him of his job .
4 ‘ As a gesture of goodwill , I have decided to waive the charge on this occasion and have written to the gentleman informing him of my decision . ’
5 Quite apart from what the organisers tell him of their intentions , he may have sources of information that have a bearing on how he comes to a conclusion about predicted outcomes .
6 You had only to ride out the storm — inside preferably — ’ with a flash of humour as the heavens reminded him of their still present threat ‘ — and the dust would soon have settled .
7 The hospital would ring him in the morning to warn him of what they had discovered of Mrs Popple 's death upon doing the post-mortem .
8 Perhaps after all it was nothing more than that the man reminded him of someone from the old days , and it was not unknown for people from the palace compound to slum in the harbour quarter now and then .
9 The letter telling him of his disgrace was delivered to him in prison .
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