Example sentences of "the [noun] [verb] on in the " in BNC.

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1 The data allow the medical school greater control over the teaching going on in the hospitals .
2 Boys should go to school because they need the skills to get on in the world , because they will spend their lives moving between household and family and the institutions of state and nation .
3 The light went on in the hall and the door opened .
4 And now , as they got back into the car , both men sat in silence as they watched the light switched on in the front bedroom — and then the curtains being drawn across .
5 It seemed like only moments after Shiona had fallen asleep that the light snapped on in the compartment and a strong hand was dragging her from her bunk .
6 Could you say a little bit more about the research going on in the Education Area ?
7 Similarly , by taking the coefficient estimated on in the equation , and the coefficients estimated on and in the output equation , which are estimates of and we can deduce other estimates of and .
8 Example 2:13 Right to display advertisement permitted by regulations The right to display in and on the demised property any advertisement permitted to be displayed without the express consent of the local planning authority by virtue of the Town and Country Planning ( Control of Advertisements ) Regulations 1992 or any modification or replacement thereof Example 2:14 Right to display advertisement in prescribed form The right to display on the front door of the demised property a name plate not exceeding in area and advertising the business carried on in the demised property and to display the name or style of that business on the name board situated in the entrance hall of the building of which the demised property forms part with letters provided by the landlord
9 Back in time for our encore at Wembley ( well , after six nights , you do tend to get a bit lax , and anyway , the tapes went on in the right order and the dry ice was great ) .
10 He had known she was old but she had been so full of vitality , and interested in all the things going on in the world , that her death was a shock .
11 Suddenly , all the lights came on in the hospital and they eventually opened a side-door and let her in .
12 At the time I was mucking out the byre stalls , and piling the manure on top of my big heap when I saw the lights go on in the house .
13 In the Mala Strana , the secretaries and the artists , the nurses and the busmen return to their apartments , the lights go on in the high windows , the courtyard below us is filling up with the smells of food and voices discussing — what ?
14 I am as aware as anyone of the changes going on in the world .
15 And much the same process of intensification at the edges goes on in The Spanish Gardener ( 1956 ) , where another little boy is prevented by his possessive and emotionally repressed father from developing his relationship with a gardener .
16 Class hours are supplemented with 10 hours of visits or activities per two weeks accompanied by a teacher , which are relevant to the projects/topics worked on in the classroom .
17 The Americans come on in the afternoon . ’
18 I 'd watched Motown and the blues catch on in the Sixties and the roots of all that stuff was laid in the Forties , so the funk was always going to catch on and stay .
19 Our fifth type must therefore be the traditionalist , for whom it is a pleasure to find the past living on in the present .
20 But as the party rages on in the next office , a private little film show of Brenda 's holiday slides starts to throw lights on some dark secrets .
21 ‘ You should see the party going on in the forward dome car .
22 Taipei itself looked beautiful from the high balcony on which she and Florian stood , by night a glittering bowl from which the hum and roar of its mind-numbing traffic rose to compete with the sounds of the party going on in the large room behind them .
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