Example sentences of "the [noun] [verb] by [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They often went to the park to sit by that lake . ’
2 To illustrate this I will describe in some detail the example of my own school , where the governing body has grasped the opportunity presented by recent legislation to formalise a long-established tradition of teacher involvement in decision-making .
3 ‘ We look forward to learning how this small company exploits the opportunity created by this award . ’
4 I know that I shall make only a small start before Christmas , so perhaps I can take the opportunity afforded by this Newsletter to wish you all a very happy Christmas and a good New Year .
5 Teachers ' status and length of teaching experience are also associated with sharp differences in the attitudes represented by this factor .
6 The attitudes measured by this factor represent the ideals of the school self-evaluation movement , in which SSE is seen as professionally creative and stimulating , effective as a means of promoting institutional change and in close accord with a sense of individual professional responsibility .
7 The extent of teachers ' involvement in the review and the extent to which they see the scheme as a professional threat has no significant effect on the attitudes measured by this factor .
8 Again , neither involvement nor perceptions of threat has any significant association with the attitudes measured by this factor .
9 For our purposes , however , enough has been said to describe how the institutional setting can cause expenditure patterns of local authorities to deviate in the direction indicated by empirical work of Gramlich .
10 Particularly in a large organization , reclassification can be a major exercise , although it can be facilitated by the support given by computer-based catalogue records .
11 In the London case at least , this recovery can no doubt be attributed in part to the strength of its economy , the support given by central government to the Docklands redevelopment and other schemes , and the associated attraction of young professionals back to the more central parts of the city .
12 It would be a tragedy if the use of violence or any confusion introduced by irregular elements on the picket lines were to divide and deflect the support given by responsible trade unionists all over the country aimed at achieving an early and a peaceful solution to this problem .
13 The clubs reacted by increased policing of the fans and by herding them into segregated areas of the terraces .
14 One of these is the Runefang carried by all Elector Counts , and the other is the Dragon Bow of Ostland , a magic bow whose arrows are tipped with dragon horn .
15 On the return journey the headboard carried by Flying Scotsman was raffled and raised over £250 for charity .
16 It has adopted the technique used by American lobby groups of rating politicians in the same way that companies are rated for their credit-worthiness .
17 The money generated by this scheme will be substantial and so will allow us to make a major impact on high priority environmental and conservation tasks .
18 As we have heard earlier on this week in the General Secretary 's Report on the financial position of the union , the money generated by this recruitment in the taxi trade will , I am sure , be greatly received .
19 A remortgage is one of the cheapest ways of borrowing money and the money raised by this money can be used for a host of purposes .
20 It read : ‘ Not only is debt partly responsible for the slump in commodity prices ; it also devours the money earned by Third World exports .
21 The 1908 Act was introduced and subsequently amended because of the realisation of the dangers caused by excessive working hours in the mining industry .
22 With opinion polls still pointing to a hung Parliament , he appealed to the electorate to ‘ wake up ’ , before it was too late , to the dangers posed by Scottish devolution and other proposed constitutional changes , including proportional representation .
23 An MP has called for a full review of flood defences following the chaos caussed by torrential rain over the past week .
24 Faced with the difficulties of tracing theses , borrowing them , and then extracting the relevant data from them , it is perhaps surprising that the views expressed by one interviewee , that it would probably be cheaper to find a new student and to repeat the research , are not more widely held .
25 CCTV had to weigh up the demands for the series to be repeated with the views expressed by some Party members that ‘ Heshang ’ was subversive and dangerous .
26 This is the relatively cheerful theory , because the damage done by unkind history can be made good when history turns kind again .
27 And the damage inflicted by one lorry axle weighing 10 tonnes is 160 000 times that of a car axle .
28 Mr Lawson told the conference that the damage inflicted by high inflation would be far worse than that sustained by home owners and businesses through high interest rates .
29 This probably explains the failure of bFGF to protect the gastric mucosa against the damage caused by absolute ethanol and acidified aspirin .
30 The huge loss to the Exchequer is only part of the damage caused by such fraud .
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