Example sentences of "the [noun] [verb] by [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 In Scale 2 Hilton talks of his understanding of the dynamic nature of God 's love working in man : The goal of contemplative life is to see this , a seeing which is a felt understanding of love , and Hilton accounts for the curious process by which a person grows towards this state as the interaction between the being of God — unformed love in which all men participate — and the response enabled by God to this dynamic potential at the heart of their being — love formed .
2 the coverage given by expansion to the 1st level ( definition ) ;
3 ’ 1st Level ’ refers to the coverage given by expansion to the first level , expressed as a percentage ( as described above ) .
4 ’ 2nd Level ’ refers to the coverage given by expansion to the second level , also expressed as a percentage .
5 We can just as readily conclude that there is just one type of latent inhibition ; that the change induced by exposure to the stimulus always tends to dissipate during the exposure — test interval ; and that the size of the interval required for such a loss of latent inhibition to become apparent grows longer as the strength of the effect induced by the initial exposure phase is increased .
6 The support given by knitters to the events which are organised is very good .
7 That number , which is almost half of Hillingdon 's secondary schools , is both a testament to the support shown by Hillingdon to GM status and a rebuke to those local education authorities that remain hostile to the policy .
8 This group distributed leaflets to the Raybestos workers warning of the dangers posed by exposure to asbestos , leafleting both in the morning and the evening to catch the different shifts .
9 There was no discretion to allow the case to proceed by transfer to the county court .
10 ‘ The court 's general inherent power is always available to fill gaps or to supplement the powers of the local authority : what it will not do ( except by way of judicial review where appropriate ) is to supervise the exercise of discretion within the field committed by statute to the local authority .
11 This process seems to occur in much the same way as a plan position indicator in a radar system monitors the movement of targets recorded on the radar sets by reference to the stable map of the background locality .
12 He was succeeded by his daughter , and on her death in 1826 the Barony passed by will to Lady Vernon of Sudbury Hall in Derbyshire .
13 We may say that a criterion of legal validity or source of law is supreme if rules identified by reference to it are still recognized as rules of the system , even if they conflict with rules identified by reference to the other criteria , whereas rules identified by reference to the latter are not so recognized if they conflict with the rules identified by reference to the supreme criterion .
14 The above scenario helps to explain the part played by access to occupational pension scheme benefits in determining the income levels of the elderly women whose financial circumstances were studied between 1959 and 1965 .
15 Let us be resolved to take and use the opportunities presented by change to the full .
16 The Guidelines issued by SCOTVEC to panel members explained that the main purpose of a validation event was not to scrutinise in detail the documentation but rather to use the information provided to enable an informed discussion about the proposal to take place .
17 Brian Brady at the US Bureau of Mines in Colorado has put the effect described by Persinger to the test .
18 Franz Dornseiff — a German scholar who proved his courage and independence in difficult times — tried hard to persuade us that it was in fact authentic Greek poetry of the sixth century B.C. He also tried to show that a long description of the Jews attributed by Photius to Hecataeus of Miletus was really composed by this late sixth-century writer , and not ( as is generally admitted ) by the younger Hecataeus of Abdera who lived after Alexander .
19 Nonetheless any differences in some aspect of the responses made by subjects to stimuli presented in left and right visual fields may plausibly be attributed , in the absence of more compelling alternative explanations , to differences of one kind or another between left and right cerebral hemispheres , at least where a visual field effect clearly over-rides the effect of stimulus-response compatibility factors ( e.g. Anzola , Bertolini , Buchtel and Rizzolatti , 1977 ) and/or procedures to counterbalance the effect of the responding hand are incorporated into the experimental design .
20 Cutting the flutes is a longer process than making the sphere , each flute is cut then the work rotated by hand to the next stop , and the next flute cut .
21 It is not , perhaps , surprising that the solution of the Conservative lawyers in their pamphlet , Rough Justice , to the same problem of unmet legal need was the introduction of subsidies for practitioners operating privately in deprived areas and an extension of the assistance given by lawyers to voluntary advice agencies .
22 Of the judges appointed by Halsbury to the High Court , eight were MPs at the date of their appointment and of these six were Conservatives .
23 Indeed , it indicated that the companies deemed by Kearney to be unsuccessful users of information technology were investing at a higher rate that the successful ones .
24 Speaking at a banquet in Jakarta , the Indonesian capital , on Aug. 7 , Li stressed the importance attached by China to the Association of South East Asian Nations ( ASEAN ) , and said that differences in social systems should not affect the development of friendly relations and mutual trust .
25 In particular , given the importance attached by Williamson to efficiency , there is no clear treatment of the tradeoffs that might be necessary between short-term and long-term efficiency .
26 Muslims on the other hand would consider Truth to be the revelation vouchsafed by Allah to his prophet Muhammad .
27 If the right arises by reference to the first marketing of the article , such as where a semiconductor topography is designed by a Brazilian in Brazil but is marketed in the United Kingdom by an importer , then the importer will be deemed to own the semiconductor design right .
28 In our Nativity poem , I can still , thirty years later , recognize the contributions made by Dana to the poem , and those that are mine .
29 For the salvation offered by God to men and women … took on , from the Old Testament Prophets onwards , the privileged form of a nuptial mystery : for God the Chosen People is seen as his ardently loved spouse …
30 The disparity between the revenue raised by the BBC in Scotland and the resources allocated by London to Scotland , reported today , highlights just how crucial is the debate over the BBC 's charter and how vital it is that it is made much more prominent in Scottish life .
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