Example sentences of "the [noun] [verb] [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , the opportunity exists to reassess the rational or political approaches to resource management practice .
2 One minute , your students are ploughing through a set of grammar exercises with apparent ease ; the next , when the opportunity arises to use the same language in a real context , dreadful mistakes occur .
3 Until 13 October visitors will have the opportunity to get to know the Austrian painter Alois Riedl as a draughtsman .
4 The forms need to show the maximum possible numbers to include everyone on role at any time between January and December — please return them at or before the Reunion , but let us know verbally as soon as possible of any major changes — the office likes to give up to date information to enquirers .
5 The majority preferred to believe the picturesque stories passed down by parents and grandparents , which were , of course , accepted as the gospel truth .
6 With gliders which have a front wheel or main skid , a main wheel just behind the c.g. and a tail-wheel or skid like the K13 , Grob 103 , ASK21 , Puchazc , Schweitzer 233 and most of the older single seaters , it may be necessary to ease back a little during the take-off run to raise the front wheel or skid .
7 On the other hand , lifting a genuine wineglass a few feet in the air by sheer mental energy required several hours of systematic preparation if the wizard wished to prevent the simple principle of leverage flicking his brain out through his ears .
8 Working on corpora of North American conversational data , they proceed very much from the bottom-up trying to establish the smallest units first .
9 The retailer needs to know the best time to advertise seasonal goods — eg camping equipment will be promoted in the spring , ready for the summer .
10 The retailer needs to know the best time to advertise … goods .
11 The executive responsible is a member of the Board assigned to ensure the successful progress and completion of the project .
12 The artists resolved to hold the Sarajevan Festival of the Arts , which was first held in 1984 at the Winter Olympics , as a gesture towards civilised life and civic identity .
13 The money went to found the Scottish International Educational Trust , a fund based in Edinburgh which is meant to ‘ benefit Scotland ’ .
14 Three quarters of the money goes to maintain the national organisation and to provide central services for Bureaux .
15 It is not far-fetched to say , as Charles Moskos of Northwestern University argues , that campaigners for gays in the ranks wanted to use the armed forces as a social-engineering experiment ; and that they wanted to impose their values on a supposedly irredentist segment of American society .
16 The industrial towns grow and the cities swell to take the still coming rural migrants .
17 When the case comes to trial the inexperienced attorney ( a good lawyer may have managed to get the charge reduced to straight murder ) will be faced by a prosecutor who may well specialize in capital law .
18 With regard to husbands voting as proxy for their wives , the government had wanted at least the wife 's written authorization to be necessary , but the deputies voted to retain the existing stipulation that the proxy voter must present the family registration book .
19 Once again , however , it might be replied that for the courts to seek to regulate the policy-formation process in this way would inevitably embroil them in undesirable political controversy .
20 The computer appears to dominate the whole scene to the detriment of constructive pupil activity- ( a common danger ) .
21 The salesman tries to shape the perceptual bubble .
22 Internalization only followed as a consequence of that external conflict once the sons began to internalize the primal father through chronically ambivalent , guilt-ridden mourning for him .
23 Yanto shouted , as the gang began to slap the heavy deal planks into slings .
24 I suspect it is no accident the politics of the times seems to parallel the growing toughness of the police image , or that the police have taken on an increasing resemblance to the black-clothed enemies of goodness who sprinkle the popular science fantasy films such as Star Wars , Superman , and the like .
25 Also , the drug seems to inhibit the viral DNA polymerase enzyme much more effectively than it does the DNA polymerase used by the cell to copy its own DNA .
26 But the skills required to produce the necessary documentation giving details of the provenance of electronic records , enabling the future researcher to determine how the information was collected and stored , why it was collected and the responsibility for the collection , are markedly different from those displayed in conventional archival practise .
27 One of the policies proposed to reduce the large number of people looking for work and thus to reduce the level of unemployment , consists of ensuring that fewer women from the secondary population enter the labour market .
28 In the unlikely event that any criminal charges are brought against a head of department in connection with safety duties the University undertakes to meet the reasonable cost of his defence .
29 The researchers hope to make the new material more like elephant tusk by streaking it and roughening the texture .
30 During the scoring of the recall tests , it was noticed that those of the Cornell students seemed much more full than those of the community college students , and the researchers decided to analyse the two sets of results separately , instead of together , as had originally been planned .
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