Example sentences of "the [noun] [verb] [be] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The cynical might say that all the Prince needed was a mother for a future heir .
2 The cynical might say that all the Prince needed was a mother for a future heir .
3 However , examined in the clear light of another day , I decided you 'd felt lousy about cheating on Simon and that dismissing the afternoon had been a get-out . ’
4 Emily felt hurt and betrayed by a close friend who had borrowed a considerable sum of money towards down-payment on a house and then , when Emily eventually enquired about repayment , angrily claimed that she thought the money had been a gift .
5 The major demographic change occurring in recent decades within the cities has been a decline in absolute population levels ( Redfern , 1982 ; Champion , Coombes and Openshaw , 1983 ) .
6 In English , the text studied was A Kestrel for a Knave .
7 The Cuban leader said the election had been a success in the face of intense pressure from the United States , hostile radio stations run by Cuban exiles in the US had called on Cubans to abstain or spoil their votes .
8 The decision impugned is a decision by the board of Lautro on 30 October 1990 to exercise its intervention powers so as to prohibit Norwich Union Life Insurance Society ( ‘ Norwich ’ ) and three associated companies from accepting any new investment business from Winchester or from soliciting investment business from the public through Winchester or any of its representatives .
9 Among the projects to benefit are a creche and health care bursaries .
10 Common to much of the literature has been a notion … that these kids — and many others like them — have been trying to ‘ recover magically ’ territory , both physical and cultural , that they have lost and to appropriate in the same way territory that has never been theirs .
11 The skills involved are a blend of American techniques and those used in the traditional Northamptonshire leather industry .
12 A consequence of the recession has been a reduction of just over six per cent in the 5,000 worldwide workforce in the past 12 months .
13 Presumably once the building had been a shepherd 's hut , even his home perhaps , but it was long derelict .
14 His namesake the admiral had been a regicide and there may have been an element of deliberate misidentification among the more ‘ blimpish ’ Royalist MPs .
15 Third , although some comparison between my present experience and others is necessary for me to know what words to use in description , and although such comparison , especially in the case where the objects compared are a past and a present experience , is fallible ( since memory is fallible ) , still the comparison is not what I am trying to express when I try to express my beliefs about my present experience alone .
16 What he should also have realized was that , although the play had been a flop , The Wit To Woo demonstrated to Ken that the producer was a man to be trusted .
17 The play has been a year in the making .
18 The effect of the breach will depend upon the nature of the terms breached , if the term breached is a condition , i.e. a fundamental term of the contract , the victim of the breach may treat the contract as at an end and sue for damages .
19 The second is that from the Cherwell boathouse to the point where the tragedy occurred is a distance of over two and a half miles , including a strenuous portage , and took us nearly an hour .
20 As far as she was concerned , the tea had been a success .
21 Then she walked to the door , and tried to open it , just in case the sound of the key had been a figment of her over-active imagination .
22 The labour had been a nightmare .
23 The judge rejected suggestions that the riot had been a protest against conditions in the Victorian jail .
24 The social scientist charged with monitoring and evaluating the project ( Goodman 1979 ) refused to answer the question as to whether or not the experiment had been a success , asserting that this was the wrong question .
25 However , economists judged the experiment to have been a failure , as the coupons , for a total of 12,000 million roubles , were insufficient , encouraging shopkeepers to raise prices and thus fuelling inflation .
26 The interview had been a mess .
27 The eyes of the man in the doorway had been a reawakening for Sara .
28 The explosive had been a two-ounce wafer of Semtex , composed of 45 per cent Penta Tetro Ether Nitrate ( or PETN ) , 45 per cent RDX and 10 per cent plasticizer .
29 The result had been a succession of balance of payments crises , deflationary countermeasures at home , and consequent interruptions to economic growth .
30 The result has been a consolidation of their power as men , over heterosexual women and lesbians , within the work , and the organization .
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