Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] be anything to go by " in BNC.

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1 If German experience is anything to go by , initial public wariness will be replaced by warm approval , as residents come to appreciate the manifest advantages of living in a residential area that has been reclaimed from domination by the car .
2 But , if sterling 's performance against the US dollar and West German mark is anything to go by , the worry of 16 per cent base rates will continue .
3 But if his reputation as one of the great Kings of French history is anything to go by , then the means he used were justified by the end , the destruction of the Angevin Empire .
4 If the Australian experience is anything to go by , the cost here to government , employers and insurance companies could soon run into millions of pounds .
5 The room would be packed shoulder-to-shoulder and the show , if previous years were anything to go by , would probably be okay .
6 ‘ If previous form is anything to go by , we 'll be here for three to four hours . ’
7 If we go only by the legislation and other portents , then the outlook is overcast at present and we are not sure how it will clear ; if commitment and current initiatives are anything to go by , then the prospects are brighter .
8 If this year 's hairy , cosmically-inclined fest is anything to go by , Reading ‘ 93 will be alarmingly similar to Reading ‘ 73 , where ten-minute tom tom solos meet spliffed-up , spaced-out poses , the Glam lies down on that boggy broadway where the Salvation Army tent provides soup and a roll for ten pence and Manic Street Preachers are the punk rock of the future .
9 The evidence is that you stand as good a chance of getting the choice of currency right as the experts if the return from the managed funds is anything to go by .
10 Because he was n't just the same hard , tough personality that he always had been : he was now far more dangerous — certainly if her present fragile emotions were anything to go by .
11 But if his practical measures are anything to go by , he may be thinking of the Libyan nation , for he discourages international marriage not only with English or American persons , but with Algerians , Egyptians and Palestinians .
12 DROPPING your aitches is something of a crime if My Fair Lady is anything to go by , and the game that her fair ladyship the Queen was playing in last week 's Echo Memories had indeed committed that crime .
13 France is now facing its second period of cohabitation between a right-wing government and a socialist president , and if the statements of the conservative leaders are anything to go by , it is likely to be tougher than it was last time .
14 If the Church and secular press is anything to go by , a period of intense lobbying has begun with the various groups and interests within the Church of England backing their preferred candidates , or perhaps as significant , blacking others .
15 If the red sunset was anything to go by , those rocks would really have their work cut out next day to be anything less than either hot or sunny .
16 There seems to have been a generally similar scheme of attack , if similarities to the Kentish experience are anything to go by .
17 THE day of the indie guitar band dominating local music appears to be on the wane , if recent developments are anything to go by .
18 In fact , if the answers given by 40 per cent of women quizzed for a new survey are anything to go by , the EC president might as well Jacques it in …
19 If recent events are anything to go by , one forum for this ‘ dialogue ’ will be the courts of law .
20 Aware , as she most certainly was , that she could not be pleased to see him — grief , if past experience was anything to go by , they 'd no doubt be going for each other 's throats before the meal was half over — Leith returned to the kitchen and prepared some salad .
21 Mehdi Moghadassi If past performances are anything to go by , this should be quite a disturbing work .
22 If Thai superstition is anything to go by , a concomitant expansion in the human population can be expected .
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